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It says gay and bisexual men are "much more likely" than heterosexual men to struggle with them. A number of gay men have told the BBC they are going to extreme lengths to change their bodies - including using steroids and having plastic surgery - just to become "accepted" by others in the LGBT community. Several said pressure from social media platforms and dating apps was exacerbating their body issues. I would honestly have plastic surgery if I could afford it.

Instead of surgery, a few years ago Jakeb turned to anabolic steroids - class C drugs that can be misused to increase muscle mass. It was like there was a harsh voice telling me I'm skinny. Jakeb had his second near-death experience in November last year when - after several years of heavy steroid use - he suffered heart failure. Months later, Jakeb has stopped taking steroids and has lost the extra muscle he gained, but he continues to have health problems for which he is receiving hospital support.

James Brumpton - a software engineer from Lincoln - found himself "catapulted into this world of self-consciousness", after he hooked up with a man at a local gay bar. When James went back to the man's house and took off his T-shirt, his date looked at him and made a disgusted noise. Eventually, the experience led to James deciding to have an abdominoplasty - otherwise known as a tummy tuck. Prof Afshin Mosahebi, of Baaps, says gay men are currently having more cosmetic procedures done than straight men, although he notes that women have more procedures than men overall.

After James's tummy tuck went wrong, he was left with permanent scarring, which made him even more conscious of his body. Dating apps have fuelled body image concerns, he says.

Images on social media and in leading gay magazines have also led James to feel he is an "invader in the space". Photos of "sexy bodies" drive sales of gay magazines, according to Matthew Todd, a former editor of one such publication, Attitude. When Matthew put a photo of Stephen Fry on the front of the magazine in , "it was one of the worst selling editions ever", he says. Matthew, the author of Straight Jacket: How to be gay and happy, says homophobia has fuelled gay men's body issues.

GAY or STRAIGHT - Who Gets the Guys? (Social Experiment w/ Mario Adrion)

If you don't like yourself, that manifests as not being happy with the way you look. The result has been that gay men are under more pressure than straight men to have the perfect body, Matthew says. Many gay men confuse 'Do I want to be with him? Jeff Ingold, from LGBT charity Stonewall says it is "crucial" that we see more diverse representations of gay and bisexual men with different body types in the media. In a pair of studies on the intimacy of interactions between over heterosexual women and their male conversation partners, researchers found that the women had friendlier, more open interactions with gay men who disclosed their sexual orientation compared to men who revealed that they were straight.

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Women often avoid intimately engaging with male acquaintances due to concerns that the man may misinterpret friendliness as flirtation or even sexual interest, said Eric M. Russell, a research associate at the University of Texas at Arlington. In the first study, heterosexual female college students completed an online survey in which they were asked to imagine sitting alone in a waiting room with either a straight or gay male stranger. On average, women reported feeling slightly more at ease after learning the man was straight, but significantly more comfortable when the man turned out to be gay.

The student dyads, who were told they were participating in a study on how strangers convey information about different topics, were covertly filmed throughout three distinct interaction periods. In the second period, the research assistant had one of the participants draw a slip of paper from the box, all of which asked them to describe his or her ideal romantic partner. Post-interaction, both members of straight woman-gay man SW-GM dyads reported higher levels of interpersonal rapport with their partner than those in straight woman-straight man SW-SM dyads. These findings, he adds, raise many new and exciting questions about whether the higher levels of intimacy, trust, and mutual respect exhibited by SW-GM dyads in the lab really translate into closer friendships, or may even serve as a prejudice-reduction mechanism for women with less positive attitudes about LGBT individuals.

Russell, E. Interesting research as I have wondered about this. Finding out a man is gay is for me like lifting a weight off, I feel my whole being relax and wondered is this weird?

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