Advancing Racial Equity
The study in this article compared fall-to-spring changes on connectedness, attachment, and self-esteem between 46 teen mentors and 45 comparison classmates. Results revealed an association between serving as a cross-age peer…. These decays are highly suppressed in the Standard Model, and they are sensitive to contributions from new particles in the intermediate state. The purpose of this paper was to review the literature in terms of professional development activities that researchers have enlisted to reduce student problem behaviors and improve classroom management competencies among teachers who work in urban environments serving predominately African American students.
First, the author conducted a…. An initiative in which therapy dogs were integrated into a school-wide reading curriculum was analyzed to determine the effect on student reading in the program's second year. Prior research on the first year of this specific program Kirnan et al. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey the opinions of principals concerning the role of speech-language pathologists SLPs serving students with communication disorders who have been involved in violence.
Method: A mixed methods design involving questionnaires was mailed to elementary, middle, and high school principals in a…. The observation of a Standard Model Higgs boson in the four-lepton channel uses the proton—proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector during and at center- of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. An excess with a local significance of 8. Further measurements on the production cross section times branching ratio of the excess agree well with the Standard Model predictions within the experimental uncertainties.
The search for an additional scalar uses an integrated luminosity of Given the ever increasing numbers of Students of Color engaging in higher education, the importance of cross-cultural interactions for all students , and the evidence that White students and Students of Color may have vastly different experiences in higher education, there is a need to further explore the types of cross-cultural experiences that….
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students ' religiousness and participation in alternative breaks ABs using both survey and interview data from the National Survey of Alternative Breaks. Findings from this mixed methods study demonstrate the potential for ABs to facilitate religiousness and help students connect….
Student services professionals are committed to helping students , including the new generation of military servicemembers. However, navigating the maze of federal programs and policies designed to help these deserving individuals requires special knowledge. This chapter assists campus administrators by providing information, first, on the rich…. As students gain access to personally-owned Mobile Communication Devices MCDs , schools have begun to embrace MCDs as mobile-learning m-learning teaching and learning tools.
A research gap currently exists for the innovation of m-learning with student -owned devices, which this study attempts to fill by answering the following Research Question:…. Purpose: Speech-language pathologists SLPs and behavior analysts are key members of school-based teams that serve children with autism spectrum disorders ASD. Behavior analysts approach assessment and intervention through the lens of applied behavior analysis ABA.
ABA-based interventions have been found effective for targeting skills across…. Technology of serving. This article provides a list of low and no tuition independent schools. Profile information is accurate as of May Profiles contain student body information, how the school works, the school mission, and contact information. Team collaboration: The use of behavior principles for serving students with ASD. ABA-based interventions have been found effective for targeting skills across multiple domains for children with ASD.
On March 22, , the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that schools are obligated to provide more than de mimimus services for students with disabilities. The core issue in "Endrew F. Douglas County schools held…. Reddick, Richard J. This study utilizes a social exchange framework to analyze the qualitative narratives of 81 graduate student mentors participating in the Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate Internship at The University of Texas at Austin.
Findings suggest that in addition to personal benefits, mentorship has four major professional benefits: a deeper…. It has become increasingly important for teachers to be trained in….
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We illustrate a class organization process utilizing the concept of the Product Life Cycle to meet the needs of today's millennial student. In the Introduction stage of a business course, professors need to build structure to encourage commitment. In the Growth stage, professors need to promote the structure through multiple, brief activities that….
This research was conducted in the development of courses for students from multiple nations at two California universities, applying cross-cultural tactics in course content and design.
The paper examines the evolution of courses in Global Issues and Global Economics, including the theoretical foundations of socioeconomic development, how those…. Psychometricians and test developers evaluate standardized tests for potential bias against groups of test-takers by using differential item functioning DIF. English language learners ELLs are a diverse group of students whose native language is not English.
While they are still learning the English language, they must take their standardized tests for their school subjects, including science, in English. In this study, linguistic complexity was examined as a possible source of DIF that may result in test scores that confound science knowledge with a lack of English proficiency among ELLs. The tests presented a unique challenge in that the test items were grouped together into testletsgroups of items referring to a scientific scenario to measure knowledge of different science content or skills.
Very large samples of 10, students in and 13, students in were examined. Half of each sample was composed of Spanish-speaking ELLs ; the balance was comprised of native English speakers. A decrease in socioeconomic status and Spanish-speaking ELL diversity may have led to inconsistent SIBTest effect sizes for items used in both testing years.
The DIF results further suggest that those constructed response test items requiring the student to draw a conclusion about a scientific investigation or to plan a new investigation tended to favor ELLs. NASA holds petabytes of Earth science data from a fleet of satellites going back decades. The key to successful use is to provide technological tools in strategic combination with best practices to meet the needs of various audiences. Students and teachers need access points that are specifically tailored to meet the technology resources in the classroom; citizen scientists need to feel a connection to NASA, easy-to-use technological interfaces, and are motivated by contributing to real research activities; the general public needs short, focused, easily digested tidbits.
The capability to offer a range of resources targeted to specific audience needs has advanced along several fronts over the last decade through use of the following key strategies: Regularly publishing articles, fact sheets and image captions written with greater detail than media releases to connect basic science concepts with current NASA research.
Providing for differing levels of engagement, with basic, intermediate and advanced data access tools as well as lesson plans for grades K-2 through high school. Facilitating the important scientific process of asking questions once students are actively engaged though exploration and manipulation of current Earth data delivered through desktop and mobile apps..
Providing curated data sets that students can more easily interpret.
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Assessing users' needs through ongoing formative evaluation. Using Analytics to make data-driven decisions about technologies and approaches. Why not serve an educational buffet for students? Blended learning in optics experimental education. When talking about higher education, it's hard not to run into a discussion on what's really better for student learning: online learning or traditional learning?
Of course, the key is to offer both, and potentially emphasize blended learning as the less polarizing option. Online courses are much more flexible and less expensive, but powerless while hands-on practical capacity is involved. Traditional experimental course can maintain a fluid and solid learning process but is less productive due to its scheduled time and simplex access. In this paper, a buffet-style knowledge service mode applied in a week-long project-based experimental course Optoelectronic Instrument Experiments OIE is discussed.
Our purpose is to find a blended learning mode in experimental education. A general status is presented as well as recently completed measurements.
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Secondary school student need to eat a well nutritious and healthy food that gives enough supplements for improvement, safeguarding and rebuilding the human body. In addition, with legitimate supplement, it can keep any undesirable diseases and infections. At this moment, medicinal disclosure demonstrates that by expending very much adjusted nutritious sustenance, it can anticipate and decrease the dangers of certain illness.
Menu organizers, nutritionist and dietitians faced with mind boggling undertakings and inconveniences obstacles to grow human wellbeing.

Serving more beneficial meal is a noteworthy step towards accomplishing one of the objectives for this study. However reorganizing a nutritious and well balanced menu by hand is difficult, insufficient and time consuming. The target of this study is to build up a mathematical technique for menu scheduling that fulfill the whole supplement prerequisite for secondary school student , reduce processing time, minimize the budget and furthermore serve assortment type of food consistently.
It additionally gives the adaptability for the cook to change any favored menu even after the ideal arrangement and optimal solution has been acquired. A recalculation procedure will be performed in light of the ideal arrangement. The data was obtained from the Ministry of Health Malaysian and school specialists. Abdesselam, A. Rare decays of heavy-flavoured particles provide an ideal laboratory to look for deviations from the Standard Model, and explore energy regimes beyond the LHC reach.
Recent results from the LHCb experiment are reviewed. The data correspond to The differential cross sections are presented in bins of twenty observables, including several that describe the jet activity. A Helpful Serving. This article briefly describes how a fifth-grade class collaborated with a downtown diner for several months and then actually ran the restaurant for four hours. Through the Chatters Cafe, a local high school cafe that serves as a culinary arts training ground for high school students , fifth graders had the opportunity to prepare and serve dinner….
The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2. The results are in agreement with standard model predictions. With funding from the New York State Education Department, a university on-campus center was set up to serve 30 students at a…. Sirviendo a los estudiantes sordos que tienen Los implantes cocleares. PEPNet Tipsheet.
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CIs are complex electronic devices surgically implanted under the skin behind the ear. These devices utilize electrodes placed in the inner ear the cochlea to stimulate the auditory nerve of…. Utilizing Web 2. This is the second part of a series on Web 2. The first article appeared in an earlier volume of this journal and it illustrated the wide variety of Web 2.
The research found many of…. These searches exploit the many decay channels of the two bosons allowing to select topologies with varied signal to background ratios and statistics. CERN Multimedia. In recent years LHCb has found hints of deviations from theoretical predictions both in the rates and angular distributions of such processes.
The latest results from LHCb in this sector will be presented. A comparison of the language skills of ELLs and monolinguals who are poor decoders, poor comprehenders, or normal readers.