Doubles D36 - D70 D71 - D D - D D - D 89th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology May 8pp manuscript and typescript draft of address with manuscript corrections; 5pp typescript of address with manuscript corrections. R1 - R25 One packet includes a postcard photograph of the arrival of the 1st Royal Inniskillings at Candia, Crete c. With summary list] [50th Anniversary Gala 28 February ] [50th Reunion, University of Chicago 1 June ] [5th Division operation orders, administrative and medical arrangements, intelligence summaries, etc.
A "Abortion rates after the pill is stopped" "Acquisition of Exhibits Specimens, " "Action after Colombo" "Acute infectious hemorrhagic fevers and mycotoxicoses in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics2, by D. From an account in contemporary manuscript. With introduction and notes by H. Mourant: a biographical note in celebration of the 85th birthday' by C. Imperial Mansions. G Darcy.
GA Baker' 'Account book of drawings done by artists for H. To Seckel from Olby. Correspondence before conference A. Abelsom, John Abelson, Philip H. Munday - correspondence, etc. Account and receipt, J. Charles Edmund Hayes Newington and Dr. Samuel Newington Account by Colonel W. Darling of the Royal Army Medical Corps' aid to the civil authorities during the South African gold-miners strike in Account by Talbot of the invasion of Sicily in July Account of 'Drawing-room meeting at the Retreat, York', reprinted from the Yorkshire Hearld Account of a holiday in the Lake District, including a visit to Crosthwaite Museum; some details of visits to London hospitals, and an account of a journey to Ireland.
Samuel Newington's copy no.

Accounts of distribution to branches Accounts of payments to fund by branches Accounts relating to propaganda activities lectures, exhibitions, Eugenics Alliance, etc. Accounts relating to propaganda activities lectures, exhibitions, Eugenics Alliance, etc.
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Admission book. Longmore, ; Death certificate of Dr T. Akeroyd, Mary Elizabeth Alan R. Liss, Inc. Publishers Alan T. Albertus de Saxonia ? Stairs, Surgeon Thomas H. Parke, Captain R. Nelson and Mr. Album of photographs of Indian Medical Service officers? Ticehurst and Colonel A. Alchemy: 15th cent. Alchemy: 16th cent. Alchemy: 17th cent. Alchemy: 18th cent. Knopf, Inc. Sloan Foundation Alfred P. Allan, T. Alleyne, Philip Allia, E. Etteilla Allison, Anthony C. Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
From his arrival there in to his death and burial in ; also the exhumation of his remains for conveyance to France in , by an old inhabitant, W. An account of the operations of Second Army in Europe Anderson, Ephraim S. Anderson, French Anderson, N. Leigh Anderson, Norman G. Anderson, Thomas F. Anderson, W. Andrews, M. Browne, W. Mad Artists Annon. Appreciation by Major General M. Archives fifth test record.
Archives fourth test record. Archives second test record. Archives test record. Archives third test record. Ardrey, Robert Are we all cracked? Aristotelian treatises, etc. Aristotle to Zoos: reviews Arm band?
Armitage, D. Use of Bat symbol on vehicles, uniform, equipment, direction boards, etc. Bailey Army Council instruction leaflet no. Barr and Major-General A. Sachs Army Training Memoranda, Nos. Medical treatises Arnold, P. Arnold, William Arnoldus De Villanova, d. Boase Arthur, J. Articella Articella and other tracts Articella. In a version conforming to the first printed edition, with the addition of the medical section of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secreta secretorum Articella. Articles, letter Articles, photographs, letters and copies of letters. Portrait photograph; copies of letter to his family from the Crimea; biographical sketch Assistant Surgeon William G.
Kopec, re Not listed in Bibliog. Comprehansive tables and maps of world distribution, with A. Kopec and K. Domaniewska-Sobczak, Bibliog. The Atlantic Jan. Richardson The absolute sign of certain phase-shift mutants in bacteriophage T4 - Crick; Brenner ["Aggregate" Cases] ["Anthropometry at Schools"] ["As a basis for discussion"] ['Addresses'] ['Antenatal diagnosis and prevention of genetic disease using genetic linkage information' grant application to the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children ] ['The Army Medical Services of the Territorial Force, , as recorded in ' with unit members and titles, , added , by Warrant Officer R.
Samuel Newington and Mrs. Eleanora Newington] [Account book: private accounts of Messrs H. Hayes Newington [Trustees of Mrs. Eleanor Newington], Dr. Alexander S. Newington and Mr. Samuel Newington, Mrs. Eleanora Newington and Dr. Lilly and Ted Kelsey? Belgian agents. New York. Bulletin of the International Association of Medical Museums. Jewish quarter north of the Prater, across the railroad tracks The direction is wrong. The built-up areas north of the Prater are fairly recent developments around and later and to my knowledge were never considered a Jewish quarter.
There are also no railroad tracks north of the Prater apart from those along the Danube.
The traditional Jewish quarter, in which also many large synagogues were located, is indeed west of the Prater, towards the city center, and there have indeed been elevated railway tracks between this area and the Prater since the 19th century. This famous wheel rises ft above the ground.
Yes, they are both masculine names and so is Sasha in most cases.
Freud among many others kept an office there Wikipedia. Basically, the Encyclopedia Britannica Vienna entry ; "Alsergrund, with the enormous general hospital, the military hospital and the municipal asylum for the insane, is the medical quarter. The Colonel himself removed the blindfold see Cyprian's conversation with his father at P. Crikey euphemism for Christ. It is certainly an exclamation of astonishment. Newmarket Cf page Newmarket.
Theign, Derrick Book title, Anglo-Saxon Theign: The collapse of Roman rule in Britain was not so much a sudden catastrophe as a long and drawn-out decline. The 'Celtic' Britons retreated gradually to the highland areas of Wales, Cornwall and the south-west of Scotland. Control of the fertile eastern lowlands was lost to warriors of Germanic origin who migrated from the Continent. These Germanic conquerors have become known to history as the 'Anglo-Saxons.
Macbeth was 'thane of Cordor. Hotel Neue Mutzenbacher Josefine Mutzenbacher is a probably fictional Vienna courtesan from the novel of the same title.
The novel was published anonymously, but is often ascribed to Felix Salten author of "Bambi". It is regarded as the only important work of pornographic literature in the German language, but didn't find a large audience until the s. Josefine gets abused as a child and starts working as a prostitute at the age of 14, both of which is described in much detail.
The novel has repeatedly been subject of discussions about artistic freedom, and was indexed as youth-endangering text in Germany in , which was overruled in by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. The popularity in the s has mostly been due to the homonymous movie version directed by Kurt Nachmann, which cleverly circumvented censorship by creating optical metaphors. Many follow-ups also of openly pornographic nature have been produced since. Stiftskaserne Stiftskaserne in German. Brief summary of that entry: The name means Orphanage Barracks. Rather imposing building in Vienna's Seventh District, dating back to s in its present form, used as orphanage, school, military prison, troop quarters, today houses some offices of Austrian Defense Ministry.
Fiakerlieder Traditional Viennese two horse cab website. There is a famous well, in Austria song known as Fiakerlied by Gustav Pick , composed for the year celebration of the Fiaker's guild in Prater, and sung on this occasion by the well-known actor Alexander Girardi.
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It became a classic piece of Schrammel music , and for some time something like an inofficial hymn of Vienna; at least the chorus "I bin hoid a echts Weana Kind" - "I'm just a genuine child of Vienna" is still very well-known. A pre recording of Alexander Girardi singing the Fiakerlied. This railway wasnt nationalized until Ostend Express The "Westbahn" was nationalized german: verstaatlicht in , so "Staatsbahn" might refer to the Westbahnhof.
However, from the "Staatsbahnhof" was the railwaystation where trains to the east left Vienna - no trains to Belgium or a home further west there. From January 1st, , on it completely replaced the "Gulden" which had consisted of 60 "Kreuzer" Wikipedia.
Bulles à verre
According to this site german in the early s most of Viennas street lights with the exception of the inner city were still gas lights. Not even if England expects it Allusion to Nelson's signal at Trafalgar: "England expects that every man will do his duty. He does, and she disappears back to Hades.
Should be He chortles. I don't think so: Cyprian is saying this aloud, just being clever. At the time of the novel it belonged to Croatia-Slavonia within Austria-Hungary , so Theign did not cross the border to Serbia. Zagreb Zagreb is the capital and largest city of Croatia. It apparently contains whippings and female domination, and also a trip to Italy, Florence; in real life, Sacher-Masoch traveled to Venice in an analogous situation. However, its beginning is not set in Vienna, but Sacher-Masoch was a citizen of Austria-Hungary and lived in Vienna for some time.
Santa Croce Santa Croce is one of the six sestieri districts of Venice. It lies on the opposite side of the Grand Canal to the main railway station of Venice. Mestre bridge Mestre is a town in Veneto, northern Italy.