It can be transmitted through penetrative sex, as well as through direct mucosal contact. Most of the infections with Chlamydia occur without obvious symptoms. Even without symptoms, Chlamydia can be transmitted through unprotected sex. Gonorrhoea is an STI caused by the gonococcus bacteria. Through unprotected sexual contact, it may lead to a gonorrhoea-infection of the vagina, urethra, or throat. If untreated, Gonorrhoea may cause complications, such as reduced fertility, ectopic pregnancy, or infection of the child during delivery. Among men, inflammation of the epididymis or prostate may occur.
Syphilis is a serious STI that is caused by a bacteria. The bacteria that causes syphilis lodges in the vagina, the penis or the rectum and sometimes in the mouth. The bacteria can later spread throughout the body via the blood.
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Treatment of Syphilis consists of several penicillin-injections. Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver, caused by the Hepatitis B virus. This virus can be transmitted through direct contact of genital mucosa. Acute Hepatitis B infections clears spontaneously. Chronic Hepatitis B should be treated. Possible complications are liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus. In recent years, sexual transmission of Hepatitis C is reported among a specific group of gay men living with HIV. Order a test kit Check your result Counselling.
This is a highly secured website. Is the oral fluid test reliable? This test is certainly reliable. Contact us if you have doubts as to whether you are eligible to take a reliable test as part of this project. It is important to acknowledge that the HIV test using oral fluid is less accurate than the latest HIV tests using blood samples, certainly for recent risky sexual contacts within the past three months. What brought you to Antwerp, and to ITM?
The way he approached capacity building and cooperated with the partners in such a respectful manner is a true example.
The most neglected women, adolescents, slum-dwellers, high-parity mothers — those are the populations we have in mind when we conduct research and engage with partner institutions. At this point in history, women are the least likely to die of maternal health causes, ever.
But there is still a fairly large amount of mortality and morbidity remaining. We will focus comprehensively on the burden of ill-health associated with being pregnant and giving birth, on the concept of well-being or quality of life. I have two big projects that are starting soon. One is a Horizon project called ALERT, which aims to empower and strengthen midwives as leading providers of childbirth care.
We will be focusing on hospitals in Benin, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. The project is led by the Swedish Karolinska Institute. We at ITM will be working on two aspects: a realist evaluation, which asks how and why this project works, if it does, and economic evaluation: basically, how much it costs.
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Second, for the past years we have focused on how to intervene between labor starting and the baby being born, to prevent maternal mortality. We have assumed that the biggest challenge was to get women to come to facilities to give birth, and we have achieved tremendous success there. But what happens after, in postpartum care? We have recently found — and these findings have been published in two papers — that while women come to health facilities to give birth, they stay for a very short time, in some settings only a matter of hours, and even routine checks are not carried out.
We do not have a good understanding of why the basic protocols for postnatal monitoring are not followed.
I will be reviewing postnatal care in health facilities worldwide, and. We have seen unparalleled success in the uptake of antenatal care and the proportion of births happening in health facilities. But this has also resulted in these facilities becoming more crowded, which is especially a problem in fast-growing cities. There are often shortages of staff, skills or equipment.
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In a big hospital more than babies may be born per day. How do the teams working there structure routine postnatal checks and pre-discharge procedures?

To follow. What is a marker of success for you? Our results will hopefully better enable countries and health facilities to implement new postnatal care recommendations and thus make substantial advancements in maternal survival and well-being. They are now in the process of updating these recommendations for which they are looking at the most recent evidence and we aim to inform their guidelines with our re-. Firstly, I am trying to understand how different countries organise the postpartum period: how does the follow-up of mothers happen in various countries, what is the scope of possibilities.
As I mentioned, one of my other passions is making use of secondary data, particularly the Demographic and Health Surveys.
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These datasets are collected in dozens of countries and are available for anyone to use. However, a large percentage of the papers written from these data is led by Western and Northern academics. I hold writing retreats and workshops for people from the South to learn how to analyse and publish about their own countries from their own data and gain the data analysis skills. We held one in Uganda and one in Guinea last year and we really hope to continue them on an annual basis, facilitated by experienced researchers from the South.
This is a very rewarding part of my job. Almost 20, people visited the clinic for travel advice and vaccinations in — more than in Since the end of , these travellers can carry a world of health information in their pocket because the Institute has developed a new smartphone. The app is called Wanda and is available in Dutch, French and English. Besides developing this new app, ITM has also given its travel medicine website a complete makeover.
Why was the travel medicine website thoroughly revamped? The information on the old website focused on doctors and less so on travellers. We concentrated primarily on the medical aspects. Wanda is made specifically for the traveller. We have completely revised all information and tailored it to the needs of users who have no medical knowledge. We also wanted to improve the user experience of the travel medicine platform and I think we succeeded: the website navigation is more logical, and the search function has become more efficient. Why did you add an app?
In practice, however, we noticed that our patients often did not read this brochure, let alone take it with them on their journey. However, these days, almost everyone has a smartphone, and once you have installed the app, you have the information constantly at hand, even when there is no internet. A second advantage is that the app can give much more information than a brochure.
And finally, we can use the app to send travellers an alert when there is an outbreak in their country of destination. So, when I download the app, I will find all the information I need about healthy travel? After all, the app only contains general information. Wanda is not intended to replace face-to-face medical consultations. We can use the app to send travellers an alert when there is an outbreak in their country of destination.
Did you already receive positive feedback? We did! Travellers are very enthusiastic. We also know that NGOs recommend the app to members of their staff who are regular travellers. Wanda is trilingual, all information is available in Dutch, English and French. Do you have any plans for the further development of this app?
We will certainly be adding new topics, such as air pollution or bed bugs.