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The Plane Ride Fondle. True Story Flying solo, returning from a business trip, the window seat was usually my sleep space. Daddies girl was nerdy looking with a slender, barely pubescent, frame. I will call her B. Plopping lazily into the seat BB's skin had an oily sheen. Her innocent tight body romped around on the last vacation day without time to bathe before their departure.
A slightly musky aroma wafted towards me. I mean do you reproduce as we do? In Cybertron it was the All Spark that gave life to us all. We do not know the origins of the All Spark other than the fact that it created us.
(Transformers 2007 movie) Bumblebee finally hits on Mikaela
But never the less as I said before as fully sentient beings we have all the urges and desires that you humans do! Do you have to go to the bathroom as well? But I did find your last question rather annoying. As you said you are machines that were created by the All Spark and you obviously do not have any reproductive organs to speak off and even if you did the differences in size would still make it impossible. So set up a date with the call girls in Ankara right now. Get 50x more visitors.
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