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Schubert , Pouya Faridi , H. Bader , David S. Campbell, Eric W. Deutsch, Robert L. Signal ; Psychiatry Apr;19 4 Cell Jan;53 2 Brain Res. Cell Proteomics Feb;13 2 Psychiatry Jul; Cortex Jan;25 1 Psychiatry Mar; 18 3 : NT, Genome Biol Evol ;5 5 Cortex May; 22 5 : Proteome Res. Redox Signal. Blood Flow Metab. Cerf-Bensussan N, Eberl G, The dialog between microbiota and the immune system: shaping the partners through development and evolution, Semin. Neurotrauma Jan;29 2 Cell Nov;44 3 Influence of precursor feeding on amaryllidaceae alkaloid accumulation, J.

Marques R, Boneca IG, Expression and functional importance of innate immune receptors by intestinal epithelial cells, Cell. Neurotrauma Oct;28 10 Cell Proteomics Jul;10 7 :M Dacheux L, The challenge of viral encephalitis: from etiological diagnosis to efficient antiviral drug discovery, Infect Disord Drug Targets Jun;11 3 Cell Proteomics Apr;.

Alzheimers Dis. Maskos U, , Role of endogenous acetylcholine in the control of the dopaminergic system via nicotinic receptors. Psychiatry Aug;68 3 Legrain P, [Life in a test tube? Biologists, keep going! From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia list article.

This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. And, of course, there were said to be Amazons, from which the great river derived its name. In fact, however, apart from the sheer mystery of this fabulous and seemingly primeval world, perhaps the thing that most amazed and unnerved the Europeans had nothing to do with fairy tales. Very recent and continuing archaeological work in the Amazon lowlands indicates that the people living there have been making pottery for at least to years-that is, from about the same time that pottery also was first being made in ancient Iraq and Iran, and around years earlier than current evidence suggests it was being made in the Andes or in Mesoamerica.

Some ancient Amazonian peoples hunted and fished and gathered, others farmed.

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But there is no doubt that organized communities lived in this locale at least 1 2, years ago, evolving into large agricultural chiefdoms and-more than years ago--into very populous and sophisticated proto-urban communities, such as Santarem, which, in the words of one recent study, "was a center for complex societies with large, nucleated settlements" in which "people made elaborate pottery vessels and statues, groundstone tools and ornaments of nephrite jade.

Harsh as life was for these peoples, the land and the water were their home. The people of Tierra del Fuego, after all, had lived in this region for at least 1 0, years before they were first visited by the wandering Europeans. No one in human history has ever lived in permanent settlements. But those countless migrations did not invariably follow a north-to-south pathway.

At various times again, we must recall, over the course of tens of thousands of years some groups decided to branch off and head east or west, or double back to the north.

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There is linguistic evidence, for example, seeming to suggest that during one historical epoch the Timucuan peoples of present-day Florida may gradually have migrated from the south in Venezuela across the island Caribbean to their new North American homeland. Kitts, Anguilla, St. Croix, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cuba-then finally off to the Bahamas, leaving behind at each stop populations that grew and flourished and evolved culturally in their own distinctive ways.

The houses in most of these villages were similar to those described by the Spanish priest Bartolome de Las Casas: The inhabitants of this island. These were very high and roomy so that in each there might be ten or more households. On the inside designs and.

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Others they adorned with very white stripped reeds that are a kind of thin and delicate cane. Of these they made graceful figures and designs that gave the interior of the houses the appearance of having been painted. On the outside the houses were covered with a fine and sweet-smelling grass. These large buildings conventionally were arranged to face the great house that was inhabited by the local cacique, and all of them in turn faced an open field or court where dances and ball games and other festivities and ceremonies were held.

In larger communities, several such fields were placed at strategic locations among the residential compounds. When a turtle was sighted the remora was released. Immediately it swam to the turtle, attaching its suction disc to the under side of the carapace. The canoe followed the turtle, the Arawak angler holding a firm line on the remora which, in turn, held tightly to its quarry until the turtle could be gaffed or tied to the canoe. In addition to this technique, smaller fish were harvested by the use of plant derivatives that stupefied them, allowing the natives simply to scoop up large numbers as though gathering plants in a field.

And large aquaculture ponds were created and walled in to maintain and actually cultivate enormous stocks of fish and turtles for human consumption. A single one of these numerous reed rna-. This yielded a quantity of meat equal to that of head of cattle, and a supply that was rapidly replenished: a fertile female turtle would lay about eggs each season. It was only after the coming of the Spanish-and, in particular, their release of dogs and pigs that turned feral and ran wild-that the wildlife ecology of the islands found itself in serious trouble.

They designed attractive houses and kept them clean. They found aesthetic expression in woodworking. They had leisure to enjoy diversion in ball games, dances, and music.

Table of contents

They lived in peace and amity. III Much the same thing that Sauer says about the Arawak can be said for many of the other peoples we have surveyed here, and for countless others we had neither the time nor the space to mention. Certainly not all of them, however. Some of the native peoples of the Americas did indeed suffer from want, at least from time to time, and some lived hard and difficult lives. Some had little time or talent for great art or architecture, or for elaborate games or music or dance. Others lived in societies that, far from being characterized by peace and amity, frequently were at odds with their neighbors.

There is no benefit to be gained from efforts to counter the anti-Indian propaganda that dominates our textbooks with pro-Indian propaganda of equally dubious veracity. Thus, for example, few of us today would countenance the practice of human sacrifice as a way of propitiating an angry god, as was done by a few of the highest urban cultures in Mesoamerica during the fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century. As Edmund S. Morgan has shown, with regard to Roanoke in the 15 80s: Wingina [the local chief] welcomed the visitors, and the Indians gave freely of their supplies to the English, who had lost most of their own when the Tyger their ship] grounded.

By the time the colonists were settled, it was. They did not know the herbs and roots and berries of the country. They could not or would not catch fish in any quantity, because they did not know how to make weirs. Nor did they show any disposition for agriculture. Hariot admired the yields that the Indians got in growing maize; but the English, for lack of seed, lack of skill, or lack of will, grew nothing for themselves, even when the new planting season came round again.

Superior English technology appeared, for the moment at least, to be no technology at all, as far as food production was concerned. Indeed, Morgan later notes, "the Indians. Indian openness and generosity were met with European stealth and greed. Ritualized Indian warfare, in which few people died in battle, was met with the European belief in devastating holy war.

Vast stores of grain and other food supplies that Indian peoples had lain aside became the fuel that drove the Europeans forward. And in that drive they traveled quickly, as they could not otherwise have done, on native trails and roadways from the northeast and northwest coasts to the dizzying heights of the Andes in Peru. This is not to say that there were no diseases in the pre-Columbian Americas. There were, and people died from them. But the great plagues that arose in the Old World and that brought entire Asian, African, and European societies to their knees-smallpox, measles, bubonic plague, diphtheria, influenza, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid, and more-never emerged on their own among the Western Hemisphere's native peoples and did not spread to them across the oceans' barriers until Thus, when smallpox was introduced among Cree Indians in Canada as late as the eighteenth century, one native witnessing the horrifying epidemic that was destroying his people exclaimed that "we had no belief that one man could give it to another, any more than a wounded man could give his wound to another.

For it was then only a matter of months before there would begin the worst series of human disease disasters, combined with the most extensive and most violent programs of human eradication, that this world has ever seen. Christopher Columbus and his crews left behind just before dawn on August 3, , as they sailed forth from Palos and out into the Atlantic, was for most of its people a land of violence, squalor, treachery, and intolerance.

In this respect Spain was no different from the rest of Europe. Like most of the other urban centers in Europe, says one historian who has specialized in the subject, "every twenty-five or thirty years-sometimes more frequently-the city was convulsed by a great epidemic.

What J. The rest of the population starved. The slightest fluctuation in food prices could cause the sudden deaths of additional tens of thou-. So precarious was the existence of these multitudes in France that as late as the seventeenth century each "average" increase in the price of wheat or millet directly killed a proportion of the French population equal to nearly twice the percentage of Americans who died in the Civil War. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries prices fluctuated constantly, leading people to complain as a Spanish agriculturalist did in that "today a pound of mutton costs as much as a whole sheep used to, a loaf as much as a fanega [a bushel and a half] of wheat, a pound of wax or oil as much as an arroba [25 Spanish pounds].

Consequently, even today historians find it difficult or impossible to distinguish between those of the citizenry who died of disease and those who merely starved to death. Only when the pit was filled with bodies was it finally covered over with earth. Most people never bathed, not once in an entire lifetime. One especially popular technique for robbing someone was to drop a heavy rock or chunk of masonry on his head from an upper-story window and then to rifle the body for jewelry and money.

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In times of famine, cities and towns became the setting for food riots. The Peasants' War killed over 1 00, people.