But a huge amount of this reporting is already needless. When so many children are needlessly reported, this does indicate that people already overreact. So why does the Government want to broaden the definition of child abuse even further, thus creating more cases for an overloaded system? Sixteen children known to Birmingham social services died in a five-year period.
A report severely criticised Birmingham social services over the poor quality of referrals, leading to a surge in demand that could not be met. Detecting child abuse in the community is akin to finding a needle in a haystack for overstretched social workers. So why make the haystack even bigger by creating more cases that will need assessment? Consistent, loving care is critical in building the human brain, so it certainly is time that our child-protection laws reflect the long-term mental and physical damage caused by the emotional neglect and abuse of children.
The announcement that the Government intends to make the emotional abuse of children a criminal offence is an important step. Understanding the critical importance of the emotional well-being of children is vital to the well-being of society. There is a raft of evidence to show that when infants receive warm, responsive, consistent, attuned, loving care their brains develop well. They are then able to grow into adults with the capacity for empathy and the facility to become good, caring parents themselves.
Newbold on Stour, Warwickshire. What a PR disaster the removal of the year-old student Yashika Bhageerathi has proved to be! The removal of her alone, without her mother, and a failed attempt to remove her on Mothering Sunday, only added to the disaster.
The Home Office showed a complete lack of common sense and compassion in this case. What difference would it have made if Yashika had been allowed a further six weeks here so she could take her A-levels and return home with a qualification?
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Instead Britain is once again portrayed as an uncaring nation instead of a just and caring society. The only people who deserve credit in this sad situation are the head, staff and pupils of the Oasis Academy Hadley in Enfield — they may have failed but they are heroes in my book. Maybe so, but it is hard to understand why the Department for Business did not, apparently, even consider the use of a properly designed sealed-bid auction, instead of the conventional book-building exercise. The Treasury uses such auctions to sell government bonds, Google was floated using one, so why not for the Post Office?
At least then everyone would have had a chance at getting some shares, and the selling price would have been more likely to settle at the market clearing price, providing that the auction process was properly designed. Oh dear, here we go again.
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This happens again and again in film and media. No one can rationally argue that the climate does not change, it always has. What does require uninhibited debate is whether human activity significantly influences the global climate and, assuming that it does, the efficacy of measures proposed to reduce that influence and the manner in which such measures would be globally enforced. Sir, Scientific theories can be corrected, often at no greater cost than wounded pride. Should our economic competitiveness and future living standards be ruined by unnecessary green policies, the damage will prove much more difficult to correct.
Mr Miller should welcome the critics for attempting to hold the science to account and for raising public interest in the subject, rather than trying to gag them. Where huge decisions are to be made, it is important that rigorous public debate takes place. Sir, Your report is a timely reminder that climate change is not wholly man-made and that this should be reflected in climate related policies. Indeed, the IPCC has stated that up to half of the steep rise in global temperature that occurred in the second half of the last century was due to natural causes.
Accordingly, it would seem sensible to reallocate some of the funds earmarked for carbon reduction such as subsidising renewable energy, to fund adaptation to the effects of climate change, especially as the UK emits only 1. This rebalancing of expenditure would include upgrading of flood defences, including the Thames barrier. Such a change in climate related policy makes economic sense and would surely be welcomed by the majority of tax payers.
Sir, I read with some concern the proposal that BBC editors should seek clearance to give air time to climate change sceptics. This subject is most difficult to understand, and we can only do so by the most rigorous application of the scientific method.
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This must involve vigorous questioning of all research by those who may discern an alternative explanation. Indeed, such scrutiny can sometimes lead to new penetrating insights. While the sceptic camp does seem to contain its share of the loony Right, there are also honourable men and women who should not be censored. Sir, In seeking to gag climate change sceptics, the chairman of the Commons Science and Technology Committee is inviting ridicule.
Since when have arguments been won by stifling debate? Perhaps Mr Miller has difficulty explaining why global temperatures have not shifted in the past 16 years while CO2 levels have rocketed, and why near-record levels of ice persist in the Antarctic.
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Published at AM, April 4 The decimation of the criminal bar will deprive us of an important layer of protection against corrupt police. Junior officers had reported this but no evidence of their report could be found in the files of the Metropolitan Police. No senior officer had any recollection of being told anything about it. That there was a tape was revealed only because the junior officers kept a copy of the tape for their own protection. The point of this anecdote is that it was only thanks to the hard work of defence counsel and the integrity of prosecution counsel that this was revealed.
So, people would do well to reflect on the loss of combative lawyers who are prepared take on the state on their behalf, before it is too late. The Morgan murder occurred in and is unique in telling us how the fee income of barristers has been reduced in the intervening 25 years. The lead defendant was first charged in the case was later dropped. These are turnover figures and for the most difficult cases; there is no holiday pay, no pension entitlement and expenses of about one third of turnover need to be deducted from these figures.
The Bar only asks for a pay freeze and a pause to reflect on the potential destruction of a world class system. Sadly it is the juniors who will suffer most as it is the income of those at the top of the profession that helps support those at the bottom under the chambers system.
No profession can survive this attrition. Commercial bus fares are rising fast, and free passes are a growing drain on cash-strapped local authorities. Sir, The Labour Party may be right to pledge a freeze on rail fares Apr 2 , but there is an even more urgent need to freeze bus fares. Outside London there are no controls on commercial bus fares. In many places fares are rising faster than inflation. The result is that, on many routes, seniors using their free passes outnumber fare-payers.
Worse still, the reimbursement to bus operators for carrying seniors is usually based on a percentage of the average fare charged. If fares go up, the bills to local authorities go up automatically. The expenditure on free bus travel is one over which cash-strapped authorities have no control. In a bid to save public expenditure Parliament should legislate an immediate freeze on bus fares. A former donor explains why she was compelled to refuse to allow her embryos to be used by another woman. However, it is not because they are seen as a disposable commodity.
I was approached about embryos from my donated eggs as the recipient had completed her family. I asked if one could be given to my younger sister who had suffered an early menopause as this would mean her child would be related by DNA. In addition, had I let the embryos be used, I would have had to surrender my anonymity, potentially giving a stranger rights to my estate when I die.

I doubt I am the only former donor who feels this way. I can now confirm that the school has secured a permanent site for and will therefore open this September. In a letter to all early-years inspectors, he instructs them to judge nurseries mainly in terms of preparation for school. This utilitarian shift from experience to content betrays an abject and even wilful misunderstanding of the nature of early childhood experience.
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Any government that underestimates the strength of feeling on this issue, and the resolve to resist it, does so at its peril. Luggage theft on trains. Ofsted chief: send children to school from the age of two. These crimes were almost certainly committed on trains operated by First Great Western FGW and Crosscountry, both of which have made life easier for such criminals.
This is in spite of the constant exhortations on platforms and trains to keep a good eye on luggage. When FGW rebuilt its High Speed Trains, in order to increase passenger capacity, it removed almost all the tables from standard class. Previously it had been possible to store a case between two back-to-back seats.