Already 25 portable ultra-low freezers have been ordered to facilitate the transportation of the Pfizer vaccine as well as regular freezers for the transportation of the Moderna vaccine once it achieves Health Canada approval.
Saskatchewan will receive a prorated amount of the vaccine based on a per capita basis, which of this very first shipment will amount to enough doses for approximately people. The pilot will see the vaccine administered at Regina General Hospital and delivered to health care workers providing direct care to COVID patients. Pfizer will continue to make weekly shipments of roughly 10, doses. Following the Pilot, Phase 1 of the immunization program will begin in late December and will focus on those targeted by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization NACI , specifically residents of long-term care and personal care homes and staff, health care workers across the province, individuals 80 years of age and older, and people over the age of 50 in remote communities.
Health Canada noted that insufficient testing had been done on the vaccine amongst children and youth under the age of 16 years and for that reason at this time, the Pfizer vaccine is not approved for administration to those under For people concerned about potential reactions to the vaccine, the Federal government announced on Thursday December 10th the creation of a program to support any individual who may develop a serious side-effect after receiving the vaccine.
For any vaccine there are always those individuals who have a chance of developing a serious adverse reaction to it, however the stated likelihood of this happening is less than one in a million. The program announced by the federal government is a no-fault compensation program that is based on a program the province of Quebec has had in place for more than 30 years, but is said to have expanded on that program.
All vaccines approved for use in Canada by Health Canada, are included in this program. All other G7 countries have programs of this sort and Prime Minister Trudeau stated the creation of the program was merely to bring Canada in line with other countries of similar standing in the world. Phase 2 of a vaccine rollout is anticipated to begin in April but could of course begin earlier if the shipments of vaccine allow.
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Distribution during this phase will be carried out through public health clinics and other vaccination delivery sites such as pharmacies. From Belgium the vaccine travelled to Cologne, Germany for the first scheduled stop-over. Once in Canada, Fed Ex took responsibility for its delivery to the fourteen pilot sites.
Major General Dany Fortin has been in charge of working out the logistics of the delivery.
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Fortin assured that they are working closely with and relying heavily on local law enforcement agencies and private security companies to address potential threats. Their focus, he said, was on delivering the vaccine as fast and as safely as possible by striking that right balance between visible security and inconspicuously blending in. It is important to remember that the arrival of the vaccine is not a magic wand that will result in the immediate relaxation of all public health restrictions.
Shahab cautioned last Wednesday that people will need to continue to follow the measures in place in all likelihood, until late summer or early fall. Saqib Shahab said. However, the bill was introduced at the end of the fall sitting and cannot be put into effect until after the Legislature resumes in the spring.
Even though the maximum fines proposed would be a real deterrent, by the time the bill could be passed, case numbers could be on the decline and restrictions could have already been lifted, and so this bill will do nothing to prevent more rallies like those seen in Saskatoon and Regina.
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Everywhere he goes, a security team envelops him and a pack of journalists trails behind. Yet President-elect Joe Biden enters his church, St. Joseph on the Brandywine, with startlingly little interruption. Wearing a dark suit and medical mask, Biden slipped into a polished wooden pew near the back of the sanctuary for a recent Saturday evening Catholic Mass.
He was one of only about 40 worshippers with attendance limited by the coronavirus pandemic. His row was empty except for a Secret Service agent sitting on the aisle and others stationed around the sanctuary. They had flak jackets under their dress clothes. This is one of the last places where Biden can at least try to blend in, a luxury that probably will fade away completely when he takes office next month.
Once he arrives in Washington, the trappings of the presidency — and the eagerness of the city's residents to be near power — could make a casual church visit nearly impossible. A Biden transition team official refused to say which church Biden might attend in the nation's capital or whether he might return to Delaware for services, at least to start. Washington's COVID measures restrict large indoor services, and many churches have moved services online.
Still, if he does become a regular Washington churchgoer, Biden will have plenty of choices. Four Catholic churches sit within 2 miles 3. Kennedy, frequently went to Mass before his inauguration.
Vaccine Rollout Begins
Previous presidents have made a wide variety of choices — or none. Even closer is St. The Rev. Luis Leon, rector at St. While Trump often consulted with spiritual leaders in the Oval Office, he never adopted a home church in Washington. He preferred private prayer, including with the Rev. Jentezen Franklin, a Georgia-based megachurch pastor who recalled at least 10 visits with Trump on faith matters.
But a competition emerged among the city's houses of worship to attract the first family, and the Obamas ultimately never settled on a full-time church home in the capital. Bush often opted to worship at Camp David during his years in Washington.
The Clintons were the last first family to regularly attend church in the city. They became members of Foundry United Methodist Church, just north of the White House on 16th Street, where then-teenage Chelsea was active in the youth group. Philip Wogaman, then-Foundry's pastor, said he would help minimize crowding by asking the congregation to remain seated at the end of the service for the Clintons to exit.
He attends Mass nearly every week at St. DuPont — less than five minutes by motorcade from his lakeside home in Wilmington. Biden sometimes goes on Saturday evening but most often on Sunday mornings, attending with his wife, Jill, or his adult grandchildren, though more frequently coming solo.
Biden attended Mass on Friday to mark the anniversary of the deaths of his first wife and daughter, who were killed in a car crash and are buried at the church cemetery. His son Beau, a former Delaware attorney general who died of brain cancer in , is also buried there. Biden occasionally attends Mass at other churches, such as St. Edmund near his vacation house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. On this Saturday evening at St.
Joseph's, the Rev. When Evers asked them to turn and greet their neighbours, they tried not to gawk at the president-elect, who offered warm but quick smiles in return.
Dating in the time of coronavirus
Biden entered the church a few minutes late and was the first to exit at the end of the service, keeping disruption to a minimum. He did that so effectively that the only sign he had ever even been there was a Secret Service agent, who lingered to hold the door open for others who filed out a few minutes behind the president-elect. The AP is solely responsible for this content. Pallister said in interviews during the election campaign that he would serve a full second term if re-elected.
He repeated the message a few months later when he said he planned on completing his second term and might run for a third if the public would have him. The Progressive Conservative leader, 66, is wealthy and has a home in Costa Rica where he loves to spend time with his family. He planned to spend up to eight weeks a year there while serving as premier but, after controversy erupted, walked that back and said it would be closer to five.
Pallister said he won't be travelling to Costa Rica this winter. The former university basketball athlete, who built a successful insurance company and investment firm from scratch, said he will stay firmly focused on the pandemic in Manitoba.
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I'm calling on all those things now to do the very, very best I can in this respect. A survey by Probe Research suggested the Tories have fallen well behind the Opposition New Democrats for the first time in years, especially in Winnipeg, which accounts for most of the 57 seats in the legislature. A poll by Angus Reid scored Pallister's approval rating the lowest among premiers. One political analyst said Pallister may be urged to step down by fellow Tories if polling doesn't improve.
Manitoba imposed restrictions on public gatherings and businesses incrementally and the numbers kept rising.

For much of the fall, Manitoba had the highest per-capita rate of new infections in the country. The government appeared caught off guard at the start of the second wave. Outbreaks erupted at long-term care homes. In mid-November, the government imposed a provincewide shutdown that closed non-essential businesses and forbade most gatherings with anyone outside one's own household.
The daily case count levelled off and started trending downward. In early December, Pallister made an emotional plea to Manitobans to stay away from extended family gatherings over the holidays. The total number of deaths shot up from 20 at the start of October to by mid-December.