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The consequences of the attack on Mechelen August 27 th and Dendermonde between September 4 th and October 7 th were tangible even in Ghent. Between the end of August and the middle of October, some 45, refugees arrived in the city. After the stabilization of the Yser Front at the end of October, most of the refugees returned home.
In the first few days after the invasion, anti-German sentiment manifested itself in several cities. A number of German families were forced to leave Ghent.
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The German professor and art historian Paul Clemen — was appointed head of the Kunstschutz in Belgium and all the other German-occupied areas. German troops arrived in Ghent on October 12 th As the capital of the Fourth Etappe area, a military zone comprising East and West Flanders and a small part of Hainault, the city was under direct military rule, which meant that life under occupation was even tougher here than in the rest of the country. Contact with the rest of Belgium was well nigh impossible. Press and mail were strictly censored, political reporting was forbidden. Daily life was dominated by constant demands.
The Germans took possession of an increasing number of buildings in the city centre, starting with all the barracks. De Kouter served as the operating base where the Kommandantur the command headquarters or the administrative heart of the occupying force was sited along with the Pass-Zentrale and other such departments. Weapons were kept and repaired in the Gravensteen castle , beer and wine stored in the Groot Vleeshuis large meat house and vegetables in the Pand a former Dominican monastery.
Soldiers convalesced in hotels and schools and in the Casino on the Coupure. The Belfry served as a lookout post for pilots. The fleet of army vehicles was housed in sheds in the port.
With the army numbering some 12, soldiers, it had a high-profile presence. Gent Sint-Pieters station became the main railway junction for transporting troops and equipment to and from the front. For some time the government had used placards on walls to communicate with the population, but during the occupation the number rose dramatically. The placards communicated all the rules and regulations governing civilian life. They were usually issued by the German military occupying governments, the Belgian authorities sometimes at the request of the occupier or the local food committees.
The German military government introduced the identity card with photograph which Belgians were obliged to carry with them at all times.
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Initially proof of identity was only needed to leave the Etappe area, but from everyone was obliged to obtain one. So for four years the Belgians went no further than their own municipal boundary, unless they could present the necessary documents. A considerable quantity of paper was required for all these photographs, but supplies for professional photographers were limited. Consequently, they would often take a group photograph, from which the faces were cut and stuck onto the identity card. From the outset of the war, food supplies were the main problem.
Even pre-war Belgium depended to a large extent on food imports, its domestic production being insufficient. The situation was compounded by the British maritime blockade which cut off imports, and by the many demands made by the Germans.
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However, by the autumn the food situation was critical. The food was purchased in the United States of America by the Commission for Relief in Belgium and it was distributed in Belgium by means of a network of provincial and local committees overseen by the national committee. In more than 60, Ghent residents were dependent on this food aid. As the war continued, the committee took on more and more tasks, such as organizing soup kitchens, distributing milk and school meals and items of clothing, providing unemployment benefits for Belgian workers and packages for prisoners of war and interned soldiers.
As well as the national committee, some 30 smaller relief organizations were also active in Ghent. But the various relief initiatives only show one side of the coin. In many cases shortages also led to hoarding, the black market and extortionate prices. During the occupation, all newspapers were subjected to strict German censorship. As one might expect, there was a huge appetite for news: in De Gentenaar had a circulation of 45, copies, Het Volk 35, and Vooruit 20, From January 11 th the sale of any newspapers not censored in Ghent was banned.
In addition to the well-established, trusty newspapers, new ones, fully financed by the Germans, also appeared. In Ghent there were three activist newspapers. A spin has always been put on facts, photographs manipulated and the like. The German occupier tried to salvage its image with posters, and photographs appeared showing Germans distributing food to the people.
The airship caught fire and exploded coming down on the Convent of Our Lady of the Visitation in the centre of Sint-Amandsberg, a municipality of Ghent. Citizens and all but one crew member lost their lives. The Germans tried to make out that an allied airship had been hit. But the people of Ghent and the allied press were in no doubt that it was a German airship. At the command headquarters, the Kommandantur, citizens could obtain food coupons and secure permissions of various descriptions.
A photographic department was set up at the end of The Photographische Abteilung of the Kommandatur Ghent kept a very close eye on amateur photographers and checked their cameras. As time passed, the working conditions for professional photographers became more and more difficult. For instance, they had to submit all their photographs, their work was censored and their equipment checked monthly or confiscated. The Photographische Abteilung also played an important role in the war propaganda.
Siege of Antwerp (1914)
The albums show photographs of officers recuperating in the Casino in Ghent and soldiers leaving for the front. One would hardly know that Ghent citizens were also living in the city, never mind the conditions they were living in. Owing to the constant demand for raw materials and the dismantling of its infrastructure and machines, industry pretty well ground to a standstill during the war. In Ghent metal companies were forced to close at the end of , flax factories at the end of and cotton mills in , resulting in mass unemployment.
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In March the city had more than 38, unemployed. In the autumn of the city council had approximately 6, workers manually excavate the Middendok, but in June this type of dock work came to an end. From all unemployed blue- and white-collar workers were entitled to a benefit, paid through the trade unions.

By everyone could request support from the national committee for aid and food, the umbrella relief organization. The German army used prisoners of war as forced labour. Initially German workers cum soldiers worked there, but that changed in when Belgians were also put to work there, along with Italian, French and Russian prisoners of war. The Russian prisoners of war endured particularly harsh living conditions and received only the minimum ration. In hunger set in. Discontent grew especially in working-class districts like Muide and Heirnis.
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The first protest was held on Noordkaai at the beginning of June. This was followed on June 20 th by a noisy demonstration by several hundred women at the Town Hall, the Lakenhalle and the Kommandantur. Two days later a new demonstration followed at the Town Hall. At the end of an office for identification and checks — the Centraal Bureau voor Identificatie en Controle - was set up to try and prevent the improper use of supplies.
In the winter of —17 the food situation deteriorated still further with many people surviving on a diet of bread and potatoes. In grassy areas and gardens were planted with potatoes and vegetables. Urban gardens were turned into potato fields, their produce destined for the poor during the winter. The distribution of the — meagre — supply of meat also became more irregular as time passed. By now coal was also in short supply.
As the war continued, Germany faced a growing shortage of labour. From October unemployed workers in the occupied parts of France and Belgium were coerced to work. In Ghent they were ordered to assemble in the textile mills near the Rabot railway station. From there they were taken mainly to the Yser Front or to Northern France where they were made to support the German war effort by felling trees, constructing railway lines, excavating trenches and the like.