Body found in river is missing MS sufferer The body of a woman with multiple sclerosis who went missing on October 21 has been found in the River Test on the Broadlands estate, the former home of the late Lord Mountbatten, in Romsey, Hampshire. A search involving frogmen was launched when her wheelchair was found on the riverbank two weeks ago. An estate worker spotted a body in the water on Saturday morning.
Although she has not been indentified, police say they are satisfied that the clothing and description match that of the missing woman.
List of films based on actual events
The death is not being treated as suspicious. Cars, shops and homes were damaged when a tornado tore through the Leicestershire town of Coalville.
The roof of the Belvoir shopping centre was ripped off and fences were brought down. Theresa Bowron said that part of her roof was blown off. Since , firefighters have attended fires linked to e-cigarettes, which are now used by an estimated 2.
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Four hurt in boat blaze Two men and a woman were taken to hospital with burns after a houseboat caught fire on the Thames in the centre of Oxford. The three, who were sleeping on the 20ft cabin cruiser, jumped into the river and were helped to safety by a neighbouring boat owner, who suffered from smoke inhalation.
A pet dog died on the boat, which drifted from its moorings and later sank. Police are investigating. Lenders are hiding the true cost of home loans through a vast array of fees and charges that leave borrowers unable to find the best deal, Which? The group has called on George Osborne and City regulators to force lenders to simplify how they present the true cost of mortgages to make it easier for borrowers to shop around.
Consumers could save thousands of pounds if they took additional fees into account rather than simply choosing the product with the lowest interest rate, Which? Its research found that only 3 per cent of people could correctly rank the cost of five mortgage deals based on the standard costs presented by lenders. There are more than 40 fees and charges across the mortgage market, Which?
Many hidden costs have risen markedly, with the average arrangement fee almost doubling during the past five.
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Significant variation in fees between lenders suggests that they do not always reflect the true cost that the lender incurs, the group suggested. Richard Lloyd, the executive director of Which? The government and the regulator should also explore better ways of presenting the total cost of mortgages. It said using APR alone assumed that people would keep the same mortgage for the whole term, typically 25 years. However, on average borrowers remortgage every five years. Lady Ackers, 56, had been receiving widowed parents allowance from March , after the death of her husband, Sir James Ackers, One of the conditions of the benefit was that she did not live with anyone else.
However, she began cohabiting with James McMaster, 58, in October. During her trial she was shown an information booklet similar to one that would have been sent to her at the time her claim began. I Lady Ackers claimed the benefit despite cohabiting. News Britain sets up three ebola testing labs in Sierra Leone Three laboratories are to be set up in Sierra Leone by Britain to help to check the spread of the ebola virus.
They will also be used to give patients the all-clear. When all three labs are open the number of tests carried out every day is expected to quadruple, with results delivered within 24 hours compared with five or more days at present. Justine Greening, the international.

Times2, pages Michelin chef fined for using wrong kind of pot The head chef at a Michelin-starred restaurant grew cannabis alongside his tomatoes. Richard Leonard, 43, who has resigned from the Cat Inn, in West Hoathly, Sussex, was caught growing the drug in a greenhouse at his home. Police found 21 plants, heat lamps and blackout blinds. Leonard said he used the drug to unwind after working up to 70 hours each week. He told the bench he wanted to stand up for thousands of cannabis users. The language can be a hazard for the. London is expensive and its services poor, with Frenchmen preferring to see French doctors rather than brave the NHS.
Solace can be found, however, in the parks. Christopher May, 30, deployed the four-letter word for 46 points to leap ahead of his opponent towards the end of the final of the National British Scrabble Championship, in Milton Keynes. The musicology student from the University of Oxford defeated Theresa Brousson, the reigning. Mr May had already cemented his place in Scrabble folklore, securing the world record last year for playing the greatest number of games simultaneously. A fisherman has died and two crewmen are missing after a Scottish trawler with a British skipper went missing in the North Sea Nadeem Badshah writes.
The Ocean Way was last heard from yesterday morning about miles east of the Farne Islands, off Northumberland, when it transmitted an emergency beacon. Three people were recovered from the sea by an RAF helicopter but one was pronounced dead. The missing men are understood to be of Filipino origin.
Mike Puplett, the Humber coastguard watch manager, said the search would continue as long as necessary. Carey Mulligan reveals her moments of theatre shame She has won a Bafta and much critical acclaim, but the actress Carey Mulligan was once so ashamed of a performance in front of Hollywood stars that she burst into tears and went home. In an interview with.
I just got into a cab, went home and cried. Four years ago she also criticised British attitudes to private education, saying that she had been made to feel as if running a private school was some-. Mrs Tuck, who is now the director-general of the International School of Geneva, which has 4, pupils of nationalities, said that teaching required people with robust personalities, who could work collaboratively with each other. With bended knee Peter Stewart, 30, and Fiona Bannon, 27, from Coleraine, braved the cold of the River Bann to celebrate their engagement by wakeboarding. She is leading an industry body that is helping the government to implement its public procurement plan, introduced by David Cameron in July, to increase the consumption of British food in the public sector.
Ms Batters, a beef farmer from Wiltshire, said that purchasing food carrying the red tractor logo, denoting British produce, should be a minimum requirement for schools, as it had been at the London Olympics. She said this would mean children eating what was available. Of all vegetables, broccoli is the easiest one to feed children. If you start them off with that you can gradually go on to [other greens]. The YouGov survey of 1, parents also found that 88 per cent thought it very important that their children were taught how food was produced.
Many of its intake have left other careers to retrain; they include a media-relations manager, an opera singer and a pharmacological scientist. These concepts need to be repeated from the first years of schooling up until. Mrs Tuck would like to establish coaching for head teachers to help them to cope with the stresses of the job. How Celtic noir is set to make a killing Thrillers in Welsh and Gaelic are blossoming after the success of Nordic TV dramas, Jack Malvern writes After the snow-flecked landscapes and Faroese jumpers of Nordic television thrillers such as Wallander and The Killing comes an altogether more familiar squad of investigators.
The latest batch of inquisitors with flawed private lives are equipped not with Scandinavian snow-boots and knitwear but waterproofs to repel the rain of Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Ireland is also about to release An Bronntanas The Gift , a thriller about a lifeboat crew in Connemara who chance upon a valuable cache of drugs. In each case, the main language of. The proportion of Welsh speakers in Wales is 19 per cent.
In Scotland, Scottish Gaelic speakers account for 1 per cent of the population, while in Ireland 11 per cent of people describe themselves as fluent in Irish Gaelic. Richard Harrington, who plays detective chief inspector Tom Mathias in Y Gwyll, shot each of his scenes twice so there would be English and Welsh versions. The Norwegians and Swedes and Danes broke the sudden, once somemould.
All of a sud Scandinavia gets sales where like Scandina into mainstream channels in the UK, the US and Netflix, the opened up to subtitles. Canadian television companies have already expressed an interest in it. That prompted complaints from listeners angry that Brand was given such prominence six years after he quit the BBC in a row over leaving an offensive phone message for Andrew Sachs, the actor.
His contribution was abysmal and embarrassing. He does seem to have the ear of a certain generation. Greens believe they occupy the moral high ground of politics. But their policies deny the poor the chance to succeed disproportionately hailing when male from Eton, Stowe and Westminster, shopping especially when female at the most expensive of organic shops, and speaking when of either sex in the countiest of accents.
A bit like me, in fact. Despite these social and economic advantages, eco-toffs put their selfinterest to one side and campaign selflessly for the greater Gaian good, worry about the effect that climate change will have on future generations and yearn for a more holistic version of economic growth. But is greenery really quite so selfless?
Take climate change. But when you cut through the spin, the IPCC is actually saying that there is a range of possibilities, from no net harm at all scenario RCP 2. It was then called the Ecology party and I knew the local candidate in Oxford, which is some excuse. But mainly I wanted to save the planet, and thought the greater good should trump self-interest. I was definitely on the moral high ground. Or was I? Hold that thought. Where Ukip voters are older, maler, more working-class, less educated and more religious than the average voter, Green voters are younger, femaler, posher, much better educated and less religious than the average voter.
Indeed, my experience of fanatical Greens at conferences and antifracking demos is that many are often very grand indeed,. Most of that warming will be at night, in winter and in northern latitudes, so tropical daytime warming will be less. Again, on the best evidence available, it is unlikely that this amount of warming, especially if it is slow, will have done more harm than good.
The chances are, therefore, that climate change will not cause significant harm in the lives of our children and grandchildren. The OECD economic models behind the two scenarios project that the average person alive in will be earning an astonishing four to seven times as much money — corrected for inflation — as they do today. This should enable posterity to buy quite a bit of protection for itself and the planet against any climate change that does show up. So we are being asked to make sacrifices today to prevent the possibility of what may turn out to be pretty small harm to very wealthy people in the future.
Subsidies for renewable energy have been trousered mostly by the rich and raised costs of heating and transport disproportionately for the poor.
Subsidies for biofuels have raised food prices by diverting food into fuel, tipping millions into malnutrition and killing about , people a year. The refusal of many rich countries to fund aid for coal-fired electricity in Africa and Asia rather than renewable projects and in passing I declare a financial. Opposition to GM food is a middle and upper class obsession one where gathering harm from mid-century onwards culminates in potentially dire consequences by scenario RCP 8. This latter scenario makes wildly unrealistic assumptions about population, coal use, trade, methane emissions and other things; RCP 2.