To aid mothers in learning more about their children by careful study. To seek for ALL children the same advantages we desire for our own. To support all national legislation aimed at bettering conditions for all children. You will see from our stats what we are small in numbers, but large in land. We are proud of our hardworking servant-leaders, our dedicated members, our very involved fathers, our outstanding teens and our wonderful children. These ladies have jumped right into their new positions and continued to lead the Central Region to grow in membership numbers and in chapter numbers.
I would not be able to be here as the National Officer of the Central Region without their support for me and my family. These ladies always make me so proud with their dedication and eagerness to do all that is needed to be a chapter of excellence.
They have embraced all that Jack and Jill has to offer. It is obvious to all that they love Jack and Jill just as I do! I am most grateful for the support of my family.
And my mother, for making the choice to join the Tulsa Chapter many years ago. Her choice introduced me to this premier organization! Now, I am so proud to be given the opportunity to represent the Central Region, the region in which I grew up!
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It has been a delight working with the Regional Secretaries as we discussed MIS and 1-in-4, the National Nominating Committee as they prepared for the elections of your National officers, the Regional Nominating Committee as they assisted your teens with their regional teen officer elections, and the National Technology committee as they worked on ways to make the Jack and Jill processes easier and streamlined for our members. Thank you so much for letting me serve you, the families of Jack and Jill! The Central Region covers the largest geographical area in Jack and Jill spanning the heartland of America, from the mighty Mississippi River to the rustic Rocky Mountains.
Currently, there are 16 chapters in seven states that stretch north to Iowa, south to Oklahoma and Arkansas, east to Illinois, and west to Colorado. States rounding out the rest of the region are Missouri and Kansas. Melba Briscoe was the first Central Regional Director. Margaret Simms from the St. Louis Chapter was elected National President in and Dr. Lillian A. Parks from the East St. Louis Chapter was elected in The region has hosted five national conventions in , , , and We commemorated the mothers who came before us and dedicated their time and talents to nurture our future African-American leaders through leadership development, community service, and philanthropic giving in our region for the past six decades.
For the second time, the region held both the teen conference and mothers conference in the same week in Oklahoma City. We again partnered with the Pack Shack to throw another crazy fun feed the funnel packing party. Over 20, meals were packed and donated to Skyline Urban Ministries in Oklahoma.

In September, a record-breaking attendance by region occurred at the sixth Biennial On the Hill Legislative Summit as more than 50 mothers and teens descended to Washington D. Clair County Chapter. Also in October, seven new associates and life time members were installed as the newest associate group with the St. Past National President Lillian Parks was our special guest at the installation. In Jack and Jill, my children have 10, moms and even more brothers and sisters.
Uplifting Communities. Robin is the mother of three: Torres 27 , Cameryn 16 , and Jackson Along with her husband Derrick, her family recently settled in Belleville, Illinois after more than 21 years as an active duty Air Force family. Since , Robin has been a member of the St. When the chapter was chartered in November , Thembi served as chapter president.
She currently teaches and supervises Internal Medicine residents in the ambulatory setting. She also does some independent contract work for local healthcare agencies. Thembi is the proud wife of Ramon Garcia and proud mother to Izaak 14 and Ayannah 9. Louis Chapter since She has served her chapter in various capacities including Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Lead Teen Sponsor, and most recently, as two-term President. She has also served as chair of various committees as well as Chapter Delegate at Regional Conferences and National Conventions.
She is a graduate of McKendree University and has established a career in corporate finance and global logistics. She has a J. After practicing law, April was a stay at home mother and became involved in church, social, political and community activities. She was a charter member of her local chapter of Mocha Moms, Inc.
Governor Reynolds in August She has been married to her husband, Dexter for 29 years. She is the proud mother of two delightful children, Cameo who graduated Jack and Jill in and Hudson, a junior in High School. Professionally, she works as a board-certified anesthesiologist in a private practice group. She is also involved in hospital Operating Room management and medical education.
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She serves the American Board of Anesthesiology as a Senior examiner and as an exam content editor. She enjoys reading, travel, photography. She is grateful for the opportunity to serve and contribute to the lives of our future leaders. Outside of Jack and Jill he is an avid soccer player and has trained with professional teams in both Spain and Brazil. In addition, he is a devoted public servant.
He volunteers for several organizations in the community. He is the founder and principal organizer of eRACEing Hunger, a 5k fun run that raises food, funds, and awareness for childhood hunger. He ran track, played basketball, and plays Midwestern Regional League soccer. Nola has been an active member of her chapter and has held various positions including historian, parliamentarian, and recording secretary. Outside of Jack and Jill Nola, is also a member of Arkansas Commitment, a college preparedness program and very involved in the YPD ministry at her church.
In her free time Nola enjoys playing the piano and volunteering within her community. Cameron is involved in many community projects including an annual Medical Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic. Cameron plans to attend Duke.
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Chelse plans to carry her many talents onward by attending college and majoring in Business Marketing. She is a varsity cheerleader and serves on the National Honor Society. Looking towards the future, she plans to continue her studies at the University of Iowa. He has been a proud member of the Bloomington-Normal Illinois Chapter for 6 years.
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In his teen chapter, Alex has served as Foundation Chair and Parliamentarian. He is presently taking concurrent enrollment courses at the Community College of Aurora.
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Myles will be attending Tuskegee University in the fall, where he plans to major in Architecture and Construction Management. With his degree, he hopes to be able to give back to his community by building sustainable and affordable housing. As a military family moving from place to place, Jack and Jill provided bond and a sense of security, for my kids especially, when everything else around us was changing.
Associate Dad, Dr. Anthony Turner provided the opportunity for the kids to view the state-of-the art treatment rooms to familiarize the children and moms more fully and educate them on the possibilities. They explored the sterilization room process to prevent crosscontamination; learning that it is the highest priority in sterilization. There were also mannequin simulators for training dentists in new procedures.
Finally, all the children received toothbrushes and toothpaste along with healthy snacks. The recruitment efforts were not in vain as the Chapter was able to welcome seven new members: Dr. Khalilah Doss, Mrs. Carmen Moore, Dr. Delia Shropshire, Mrs. Angela Scott, Mrs. Trisha SmartCounts, Mrs. Angela Smith and Ms. Jacqueline Wright. The New Mothers assembled with Associates, Atty.
Gwen Sharpe, Hon. We are excited. Carla Breckenridge, Mrs. Angela Breckenridge, Mrs. Sheila Clemons, Ms. Tamara Cotman, Dr. Mildred Edwards, Mrs. Janine Eustache, Mrs. Pamela Johnson, Mrs. Leslie Lyday, Mrs. Cynthia Mundine, Mrs. Sebrena Oliver, Mrs. Crystal Johnson Turner, and Mrs. Tracy Williams. Pamela Johnson, President, Mrs. Sebrena Oliver, Program Director, and Mrs. Tracy Williams, Treasurer.
Highlighted events were also opportunities to invite prospective members and provide an informational for prospective mothers to learn more about Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.