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Chapter I Grant R. The coins of the Shrewsbury mint, H. A Granby medal H. Waterloo medals Charles Winter. Proceedings of the British Numismatic Session Index to Volume XII. Symbols and double names on late Saxon coins H. Chapter II G. Part II: touchpieces for the king's evil Helen Farquhar.
Masonic tokens of the eighteenth century H. Medallic illustrations of naval history Marquess of Milford Haven. Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society Odilo, a Northumbrian moneyer of the ninth century, and his issues Alfred Anscombe. On the first coinage of Henry II L. On a find of French deniers and English pennies of the twelfth century.
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On the Ribe hoard L. On a portion of a set of silver counters exhibiting London criers and their cries L. Part III continuation of touchpieces for the king's evil. Helen Farquhar. Examples of engraved coins selected from a collection formed by Mrs. Note on Lieut. Colonel R. London as illustrated upon the great seals, upon medals, and in allied engravings William Martin.
Index to Volume XIV. The coins of Harold I H. The prototype of the first coinage of William the Conqueror H. A remarkable penny of Henry II P. Chapter IV Grant R. A review of the coinage of Charles II H. The coinage of Ireland during the Rebellion, F. Willson Yeates. Index to Volume VX. Some notes on a coin of Anlaf from the Derby mint Grant R. Remarks on hoards of late Anglo-Saxon coins H. The Calais mint, A. Stanley Walker. English piedforts and their purposes L. James I crowns - new discoveries Grant R. The coinage of Oxford, H. Further notes on the Irish coinage, F.
Jacobite drinking glasses and their relation to the Jacobite medals Grant R. Proceedings of the Society Index to Volume XVI. The Northampton and Southampton mints William C. Assays and imitations, foreign and native, of the late Saxon period, A. The chronology of the Hiberno-Danish coinage H. Arnold Village Tokens F. Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society Sessions and The dress of Elizabeth as shown on her early silver coins, H. The Shrewsbury Medal Helen Farquhar.
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The coinage of Bristol, H. The Army of India medal Charles Winter. Notes on a collection of money-scales and other coin-weighing appliances Vernon B. An eighteenth-century coin-clipper Vernon B. Buckinghamshire trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century J. The Anglian coins of Cnut the Great H. The Northampton and Southampton mints. Part II William C. Some coins of Henry I P. The coinage of Lundy, H. Unpublished and doubted milled silver coins of Scotland, A. Buckinghamshire trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century. Part II J. The eighteenth- and nineteenth-century tokens of Northamptonshire William C.
Pitt Clubs and their badges S. Alan Garnett. Index to Volume XIX. Numismatic sidelights on the Battle of Brunanburh, A. Coins commemorating the rebuilding of York Minster A. Stockbridge, an Anglo-Saxon mint W. Part III. Canute, AD William C. The first authorized issue of Edward the Confessor H. Quando moneta vertebatur: the change of coin-types in the eleventh century: its bearing on mules and overstrikes George C. The coinage of Oxford, Part II. The coinage of Coombe Martin, H. Addenda to the coinages of Thomas Bushell H. Part III J. A review of the pattern broads of Charles II E.
An unique and unpublished gold medal granted to Major Rogers of the Enniskilleners for valorous services Charles Winter. Irish volunteers and militia: medals, belt plates and shako plates Charles Winter.
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Treasure Trove George C. Index to Volume XX. Part IV William C. The medieval moneyers G. Initial letters in the field on Scottish coins Hugh J. The Hartwell token William C. City livery badges S. Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society Sessions , and Index to Volume XXI. Remarks on the silver coinage of Henry VI H.
Some notes on Australian currencies Francis Gardener. The Stamford and Peterborough mints. Part I William C. Proceedings of the British Numismatic Society, Sessions and Lists of Members Northumbrian pennies of the tenth century Derek Allen. A note on the East Raynham hoard C. A fourteenth-century coin weight Derek Allen. An unpublished halfpenny of John Baliol J. Some notes on the coinage of Edward IV between and , with particular reference to the nobles and angels Christopher Blunt.
A coinage of Edward V F. A numismatic history of Rye Leopold A. Coins and tokens of the British possessions overseas: some unpublished varieties H. British medals since M. Descriptions of the coins struck at the Stamford mint. William C. Long cross coins of Durham L. The heavy coinage of Henry VI C. British medals since continued M. Miscellanea: a new imitation of a Short Cross Penny.
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Obituary: P. Proceedings of the Society, List of Members at 30 November The heavy coinage of Henry VI. The Rosette-Mascle to Trefoil issues C. Treasure Trove, Derek Allen. Crosses and crowns: a study of coinage in the Eliabethan dramatists D. Allen and W. Sussex seventeenth-century tokens J. British medals since continued. Victoria M. The Steyning mint Horace H. Pennies of the Colchester mint T. The heavy gold coinage of Henry IV C.
Some aspects of the English currency in the later Middle Ages C. Miscellanea: a find of coins of Eadred, Eadwig, and Edgar at Chester. Obituaries Philip G. The heavy coinage of Henry VI aggenda and corrigenda to B. Half-sovereigns and double crowns F. The Stamford and Peterborough mints continued Cnut, A.
The coinage of Cromwell and its imitations D. The circulation of sceats in Merovingian Gaul P. Blunt and C. Presidential Address The Stephen mint of 'bran' - A new attribution F. Elmore Jones. A medal of Anne Boleyn D. A few notes on Swiss officers and mercenary regiments in the pay of England L. Edward the Confessor's gold penny D. A gold penny of Edward the Elder C. Four Italian coins imitating Anglo-Saxon types C. The coinage of Britain in the dark ages Philip V. Hedon near Hull - a new Norman mint F.
The trail of Easterlings S. Miscellanea Treasure Trove.

Proceedings of the Numismatic Society Presidential Address. Saxon sceattas and their problems Philip V. The regnal attribution of the initial mark rose and sun dimidiated F. The animal series Philip V. Three Anglo-Saxon notes C. Maidstone Treasure-Trove R. Dolley and E. The attribution of the thistle-head and mullet groats Ian Stewart. British currency and the importation of bullion, J. Documents illustrating the export of counterfeit currency to the West Indies J. The Chester hoard C. Blunt and R. The Smarmore hoard of tenth-century pennies C.
The significance of die-axis in the context of the later Anglo-Saxon coinage R. A piedfort lead trial-piece of Edward the Confessor R. New light on the Abbot of Peterborough in the Norman period F. A note on Mr. To which are added certain addenda and corrigenda Herbert Schneider. Dolley, G. Howell and H. Three ancient British coins D. Saxon coins from Southampton and Bangor C. A new Anglo-Saxon mint R.
Double moneyers' names on early Scottish pennies Ian Halley Stewart. The Bootham Treasure Trove R. Dolley and I. The Yearby Redcar hoard J. An early seventeenth-century collection of Anglo-Saxon coins R. Dolley and Mrs. Wilson Peck. The Oxford mint and the triple unites of Charles I R. Some local tokens and their issuers in early nineteenth-century Swansea D.
A hoard of silver coins of the Iceni from Honingham, Norfolk R. Rainbird Clarke. A neglected but vital Yorkshire hoard R. Forgery in the Anglo-Saxon series C. Blunt and J. Dolley and J. Dolley and F. Three late Anglo-Saxon notes R. Unpublished information upon Charles I Weymouth mints J. The 'Dunkirk' tokens Arthur C. A Reapraisal of the sceatta and styca coinage of Northumbria C. A new type and moneyer of Eadberht 'Praen' R.
The Stockbridge down find of Anglo-Saxon coins R. The tower gold of Charles I Herbert Schneider. The gold coinage of Charles II H. A nineteenth-century manuscript book on coins Robert J. List of members. A remarkable celtic coin from Canterbury Derek F. The Anglo-Saxon coins in the Vatican library C. Two stray finds from St. Albans of coins of Offa and of Chalremagne R. Dolley and D. The coinage of Ecgberht, king of Wessex, C.
Halfpennies and third-pennies of king Alfred Philip Grierson. The tenth-century mint 'Aet Weardbyrig' F. Elmore Jones and C. Two Anglo-Saxon notes R. Stephen type VII F. A further find of Edward pennies at Neath Abbey R. Some notes on the coinage of Elizabeth I with special reference to her hammered silver I. Notes on some issers of countermarked Spanish dollars S. Some Ancient British notes D. Four ancient British coins C. Some new Mercian coins C. Anglo-Saxon law and practice relating to mints and moneyers … R.
Three more late Saxon notes R. Three West Country notes R. Patrick Halfpenny of John de Courci W. The Brussels hoard: Mr. Baldwin's arrangment of the Scottish coins B. An Anglo-Gallic gold hoard F. The tower gold of Charles I. Part II H. The pattern halfpennies and farthings of Anne C. Carson and R. The hoard evidence for the coins of Alfred C.
Anglo-Saxon coins and hoards found in the north of Ireland W. Butler and R. New light on the order of the early issues of Edward the Confessor R. An uncertain mint of David I B. Frank Purvey. Three early discoveries of 'leather money' D. Metcalf and C. Westphalian countermarks on English groats Peter Berghaus. The Glenluce hoard, B. The Tower gold of Charles I.
Part III H. Two coin hoards of the rebellion period from Ulster W. Presedential Address. A new Durotrigic hoard from Godshill, Hampshire H. The two primary series of sceattas S. Two die-links relative to the Anglo-Saxon mint at Northampton V. The mint of Axbridge F. A note on the Anglo-Saxon mint of Reading R. A small parcel of pennies of the Confessor from the Sedlescombe find R. Composition of English silver coins J.
Forbes and D. Some finds of medieval coins from Scotland and the north of England D. Liddell and P. Some further notes on Thomas Simon S. Minor products of nineteenth-century diesinking R. Some hoard evidence from a nineteenth-century collection Peter Spufford. Dolley and V. Some further critical die-links in the Hiberno-Norse series R. Lyon, G. Lagerqvist and R. Potter and E.
Part IV H. Five seventeenth-century coin hoards from Ulster W. Two gold coin hoards from northern Ireland W. Photography of coins in monochrome and colour on 35mm.