Indicates the cause of a condition or event: Through the action of, caused by, responsibility for; by dint of. Egyptian mythology A being's soul or personality, represented as a bird-headed figure, which survives after death but must be sustained with offerings of food. African-American Vernacular, Caribbean, auxiliary, not conjugated To tend to do, often do; marks the habitual aspect. When checking the value of a variable, doing so implicitly without mentioning the exceeded lower bound.
May be used of tangible things like people or cars, or intangible things like moods or information. See also go back. To proceed: intransitive To proceed often in a specified manner, indicating the perceived quality of an event or state. The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state. To say something , to make a sound: transitive, slang To say something, aloud or to oneself. Often used in present tense.
To apply or subject oneself to: To apply oneself; to undertake; to have as one's goal or intention. Compare be going to. A genderless object regarded as masculine, such as certain stars e. Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter or certain ships. Supposing that, assuming that, in the circumstances that; used to introduce a condition or choice.
Supposing that; used with past or past perfect subjunctive indicating that the condition is closed. Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits. Contained by. Within the bounds or limits of. Surrounded by; among; amidst. Part of; a member of; out of; from among.
Pertaining to; with regard to. During a period of time. Within a certain elapsed time; by the end of.
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At the end of a period of time. Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance. Indicating an order or arrangement. Denoting a state of the subject.
Indicates, connotatively, a place-like form of someone's or something's personality, as his, her or its psychic and physical characteristics. Wearing an item of clothing. Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality. The third-person singular personal pronoun that is normally used to refer to an inanimate object or abstract entity, also often used to refer to animals. A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a child, especially of unknown gender.
Verified Escort.
Used to refer to someone being identified, often on the phone, but not limited to this situation. The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement. The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object; known as the dummy pronoun or, more formally in linguistics, a syntactic expletive.
The delayed subject is commonly a to-infinitive, a gerund, or a noun clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction. A biological force that inhabits living beings, according to the vitalist approach of Georg Groddeck. First-person singular possessive determiner. Belonging to me. Associated with me. Related to me. In the possession of me. Not any. Hardly any. Not any possibility or allowance of doing something. Not a ; not properly, not really; not fully. Except in Scotland, now only used with different , with comparatives more and less , and informally with certain other adjectives such as good and fun Not, not at all.
Used to show disagreement or negation. Used to show agreement with a negative question. Obsolete spelling of nigh, transitive, intransitive to draw nigh to ; to approach; to come near. Expressing distance or motion. Indicating removal, absence or separation, with the action indicated by a transitive verb and the quality or substance by a grammatical object.
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Indicating an ancestral source or origin of descent. Indicating a non-physical source of action or emotion; introducing a cause, instigation; from, out of, as an expression of. Used to indicate the material or substance used. Links an intransitive verb, or a transitive verb and its subject especially verbs to do with thinking, feeling, expressing etc. Introduces its subject matter; about, concerning. Belonging to, existing in, or taking place in a given location, place or time. Compare "origin" senses, above.
With abstract nouns, this intersects with the subjective genitive, above under "agency" senses. Follows an agent noun, verbal noun or noun of action. Expressing a point in time. Said to get someone's attention; hey. An informal greeting, similar to hi. In the state of being active, functioning or operating. Performing according to schedule. To an operating state.

Along, forwards continuing an action. In continuation, at length. Can we add an example for this sense? Of betting odds, denoting a better than even chance. See also odds-on. Positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above. At or near; adjacent to. At the date of. Some time during the day of. Dealing with the subject of, about, or concerning something. Touching; hanging from. Because of, or due to. Upon; at the time of and often because of.
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Paid for by. Used to indicate a means or medium. Indicating a means of subsistence. Away or occupied with e. Denoting performance or action by contact with the surface, upper part, or outside of anything; hence, by means of; with. Regularly taking a drug. Under the influence of a drug. Supported by the specified part of itself. At a given time after the start of something; at. In addition to; besides; indicating multiplication or succession in a series.
Toward; for; indicating the object of an emotion. In the service of; connected with; of the number of. By virtue of; with the pledge of. To the account or detriment of; denoting imprecation or invocation, or coming to, falling, or resting upon. Connects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc. In English, this is the "inclusive or.
There are two forms, the inclusive or and the exclusive or. Counts the elements before and after as two possibilities.