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Soon after, he volunteers to go on a patrol and kills a man for the first time in hand-to-hand combat. He watches the man die, in pain for hours. He feels remorse and asks forgiveness from the man's corpse. He is devastated and later confesses to Kat and Albert, who try to comfort him and reassure him that it is only part of the war. They are then sent on what Paul calls a "good job.
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During this time, the men are able to adequately feed themselves, unlike the near-starvation conditions in the German trenches. In addition, the men enjoy themselves while living off the spoils from the village and officers' luxuries from the supply depot such as fine cigars. While evacuating the villagers enemy civilians , Paul and Albert are taken by surprise by artillery fired at the civilian convoy and wounded by a shell.
On the train back home, Albert takes a turn for the worse and cannot complete the journey, instead being sent off the train to recuperate in a Catholic hospital. Paul uses a combination of bartering and manipulation to stay by Albert's side. Albert eventually has his leg amputated, while Paul is deemed fit for service and returned to the front. By now, the war is nearing its end and the German Army is retreating.
In despair, Paul watches as his friends fall one by one. It is the death of Kat that eventually makes Paul careless about living. In the final chapter, he comments that peace is coming soon, but he does not see the future as bright and shining with hope. Paul feels that he has no aims or goals left in life and that their generation will be different and misunderstood.
All Quiet on the Western Front - Wikipedia
In October , Paul is finally killed on a remarkably peaceful day. The situation report from the frontline states a simple phrase: "All quiet on the Western Front. One of the major themes of the novel is the difficulty of soldiers to revert to civilian life after having experienced extreme combat situations. This internal destruction can be found as early as the first chapter as Paul comments that, although all the boys are young, their youth has left them.
In addition, the massive loss of life and negligible gains from the fighting are constantly emphasized. Soldiers' lives are thrown away by their commanding officers who are stationed comfortably away from the front, ignorant of the daily terrors of the front line. Kropp was in Paul's class at school and is described as the clearest thinker of the group as well as the smallest.
Kropp is wounded towards the end of the novel and undergoes a leg amputation. Though Kropp initially plans to commit suicide if he requires an amputation, the book suggests he postponed suicide because of the strength of military camaraderie and a lack of a revolver. Paul comments that saying farewell was "very hard, but it is something a soldier learns to deal with. Haie is described as being tall and strong, and a peat -digger by profession.
Overall, his size and behavior make him seem older than Paul, yet he is the same age as Paul and his school-friends roughly 19 at the start of the book. Haie, in addition, has a good sense of humour. Carrying his old school books with him to the battlefield, he constantly reminds himself of the importance of learning and education. Even while under enemy fire, he "mutters propositions in physics".
He became interested in Kemmerich's boots and inherits them when Kemmerich dies early in the novel. He is killed later in the book after being shot point-blank in the stomach with a "light pistol" flare gun.
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As he was dying "quite conscious and in terrible pain", he gave his boots which he inherited from Kemmerich to Paul. Kat has the most positive influence on Paul and his comrades on the battlefield. He also represents a literary model highlighting the differences between the younger and older soldiers. Kat is also well known for his ability to scavenge nearly any item needed, especially food. At one point he secures four boxes of lobster. Katczinsky leaves for a short while, returning with straw to put over the bare wires of the beds. Later, to feed the hungry men, Kat brings bread, a bag of horse flesh, a lump of fat, a pinch of salt and a pan in which to cook the food.
Kat is hit by shrapnel at the end of the story, leaving him with a smashed shin. Paul carries him back to camp on his back, only to discover upon their arrival that a stray splinter had hit Kat in the back of the head and killed him on the way. He is thus the last of Paul's close friends to die in battle. I am so alone, and so without hope that I can confront them without fear. Before the war, Tjaden was a locksmith. Throughout the book, Paul frequently remarks on how much of an eater he is, yet somehow manages to stay as "thin as a rake".
He appears in the sequel, The Road Back. Among twenty enlistees was Joseph Behm, the first of the class to die in battle. In an example of tragic irony, Behm was the only one who did not want to enter the war. Kantorek is a hypocrite, urging the young men he teaches to fight in the name of patriotism, while not voluntarily enlisting himself. In a twist of fate, Kantorek is later called up as a soldier as well. He is very popular with women; when he and his comrades meet three French women, he is the first to seduce one of them. In chapter 11, Leer is hit by a shell fragment, which also hits Bertinck.
The shrapnel tears open Leer's hip, causing him to bleed to death quickly. His death causes Paul to ask himself, "What use is it to him now that he was such a good mathematician in school? His men have a great respect for him, and Bertinck has great respect for his men. In the beginning of the book, he permits them to eat the rations of the men that had been killed in action, standing up to the chef Ginger who allowed them only their allotted share.
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