A similar observation was made in urban areas in Abidjan The prevalence of this disease observed in this study The prevalence of ascariasis varied in inter-tropical zones in Africa. People thought that it is most common in a rain forest region which helps the dissemination of parasitic eggs.
The relatively high prevalence of trichuriasis and ascariasis could be also due to the fact that people rear pigs nearer their houses. Secondly, the waste products of their latrine are rejected particularly in the rainy season into the main stream of the Dschang town. Also, this water is used to cultivate vegetables in many parts of the town. Since Trichuris and Ascaris have a similarity in their transmission, their infections may be caused by the uncontrolled defecation of children which is responsible for soil contamination. The prevalence of ancylostomiasis In contrast, this value was low compared to that obtained Given the relatively high prevalence of A.
The same findings were reported in Nigeria.
In fact, Ascaris has a higher egg output We think that it is necessary to promote measures that could help to reduce and to control the extent of intestinal nematodes. The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to all participants and to the personnel of the Centre of Phytomedicine of the ALANGO Foundation for their technical support.

Read article at publisher's site DOI : Ethiop J Health Sci , 28 1 , 01 Jan To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation. Trop Med Int Health , 8 11 , 01 Nov Cited by: 45 articles PMID: Parasit Vectors , 10 1 , 17 Feb Parasit Vectors , , 27 Jan Lancet Infect Dis , 13 6 , 04 Apr Cited by: 51 articles PMID: Coronavirus: Find the latest articles and preprints. Europe PMC requires Javascript to function effectively. Recent Activity. Recent history Saved searches.
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Pone JW 1 ,. Mpoame Mbida Search articles by 'Mpoame Mbida'. Mbida M ,. Alango PN ,. Bilong CB. Affiliations 1 author 1. Share this article Share with email Share with twitter Share with linkedin Share with facebook. Free full text. Trop Parasitol. PMID: Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.
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Address for correspondence Dr. E-mail: rf. Received Feb 15; Accepted Jun This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to:. Aim: To find out the prevalence of STH infections in persons visiting the traditional health care centre in west Cameroon. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the prevalence and intensity of STH infections, in persons visiting the centre of phytomedecine, a parasitological investigation of feces was carried out in stools, using three techniques direct examination, concentration method of Willis, and Mc Master technique.
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Results: stools were collected from male and 93 from female subjects, hence a sex ratio of 1. Conclusion: These results show the necessity of the application of suitable measures which are aimed at reducing the extent of STH. Study area This transversal study was carried out in Dschang situated in the Western Region of Cameroon.
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Parasitology Subject consent was obtained from the relevant health and administrative authorities. Subject distribution In this work, fecal specimens were collected.
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Open in a separate window. Figure 1. Distribution of the entire population of the study according to age groups. Overall prevalence Out of the fecal sample collected, 97 were positive and giving an overall prevalence of According to age and sex The infection occurred in the earlier ages of years where the prevalence was 4.
Figure 2. Figure 3. According to the parasite species The prevalence of each parasitic disease is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Parasitic combination The prevalence of infection by the type of parasitic combination is Figure 5. Parasitic burden Figure 6 illustrated that A. Figure 6. Variation of the parasitic burden in the entire population of the study. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared. Moderate and high endemicity of schistosomiasis is a predictor of the endemicity of soil-transmitted helminthiasis: A systematic review.
Montelmans J. Some economic aspects with respect to veterinary parasitology. Emerging and reemerging helminthiasis and public health of China. Emerg Infect Dis. Intestinales helminthiasis profil in school age children in Abidjan town. Soil-transmitted helminth and other intestinal parasitic infections among school children in indigenous people communities in Davao del Norte, Philippines.
Acta Trop. Effect of intestinal helminthiasis on school attendance by early primary schoolchildren. Diagnosis of verminosis by coprological examinations. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Research Foundation; Euzeby J. Book 1 generality. Edition technical information of veterinian services. Experimental Diagnostic of animals helminthosis domesticated animals, laboratory animals, Primates. Practical of veterinary helminthology; p.
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