Some experts have said that the term is meaningless and that it only serves to generate fear and dehumanise asylum seekers. See: N. Glick Schiller, K. Basch, and C. Benkhelifa, " Transmigrant, un mot qui ne veut rien dire. Sarolea, P. De Vos, and B. Struys, B. December Asylum and Managed Migration. Enforcement of Immigration Legislation. Third country nationals found to be illegally present - annual data rounded. Third country nationals returned following an order to leave. Third country nationals returned following an order to leave - annual data rounded.
Third country nationals ordered to leave. Undated website. State of World Population International Migration United Nations. Statistical Yearbook Table Indicators of host country contributions. University of Ottawa. Article 75 al. COM Are they detained in practice? Proposed future regulations for this fund include encouraging recipients to consider possible joint use of reception and detention facilities by more than one Member State see "The Way Forward, p. Skip to content. Featured Report.
Not Available Detained asylum seekers Overview Belgium has adopted increasingly hardening immigration and asylum policies, including an expansion of its detention system.
Among the detainees that were released in the wake of the outbreak of the pandemic were vulnerable individuals, including people with diabetes or bronchitis, as well as people slated for removal under the Dublin Agreements because of the inability to return them to European countries that no longer accept transfers. Public attitudes and official policies concerning migrants and asylum seekers in Belgium have become increasingly belligerent and restrictive, as reflected in the bitter public debate in the country concerning the Global Compact for Migration. Reports indicate that people have a significantly better chance of successfully appealing detention decisions if they lodge an appeal in a French-speaking court rather than a Dutch-speaking one.
The Covid crisis spurred the Immigration Office to temporarily halt the registration of new asylum seekers. Total number of immigration detainees by year. Number of immigration detainees on a given day. Top nationalities of detainees. Albania, Morocco, Afghanistan, Sudan, Algeria. Number of persons granted alternatives to immigration detention. Number of detained asylum seekers. Not Available. Total number of detained minors. Number of apprehensions of non-citizens.
Immigration detainees as a percentage of total international migrant population. Estimated total immigration detention capacity. Number of dedicated long-term immigration detention centres. Estimated capacity of dedicated long-term immigration detention centres. Percentage of persons removed in relation to total number of people placed in removal procedures.
Criminal prison population. Percentage of foreign prisoners. Prison population rate per , of national population.
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International migrants. International migrants as a percentage of the population. Estimated number of undocumented migrants. Ratio of refugees per inhabitants.
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Total number of new asylum applications. Refugee recognition rate. Stateless persons. Remittances to the country.

Remittances from the country. Unemployment Rate. Legal tradition. Civil law. World Legal Systems. Constitutional guarantees? Yes La Constitution Belge, Article 12 Core pieces of national legislation. Additional legislation.
Immigration-status-related grounds. Detention to effect removal.
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Detention during the asylum process. Detention after readmission. Detention to prevent unauthorised entry at the border. Detention to ensure transfer under the Dublin Regulation. Non-immigration-status-related grounds providing for administrative detention in immigration legislation. Detention on public order, threats or security grounds. Does the country provide specific criminal penalties for immigration-related violations? Yes Yes. Unauthorised stay Unauthorized re-entry Unauthorized entry Maximum length for administrative immigration detention in law. Longest recorded instance of immigration detention.
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Maximum length of time in custody prior to issuance of a detention order. Average length of detention. Maximum length of detention for asylum-seekers. Provision of basic procedural standards. Information to detainees Yes infrequently. Independent review of detention Yes. Complaints mechanism regarding detention conditions Yes. Right to legal counsel Yes. Right to appeal the lawfulness of detention Yes.
Types of non-custodial measures. Release on bail No No. Electronic monitoring No No. Registration deposit of documents No No. Designated non-secure housing No No. Is the detention of vulnerable persons provided in law? Unaccompanied minors Prohibited Yes. Asylum seekers Provided No. International treaties. Ratification Year. United Nations Treaty Collections, "3. United Nations Treaty Collections, " International treaty reservations. Reservation Year. Observation Date. CRC Article 2 Individual complaints procedure. Acceptance Year. CAT, declaration under article 22 of the Convention Ratio of complaints procedures accepted.
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