The trouble is that the heretic-hunter fears that the reader may see through his. The practised calumniator knows there is only one killer charge to level in these circumstances double standards. But how? He can say he was a bad man in private. Intelligent readers will just separate the writer from the work, the gossip from the gist, and shrug. The practised calumniator knows there is only one killer charge to level in these circumstances: plagiarism. Deplorably, Seymour levels it at Hitch-.
Shocking behaviour, I am sure you agree. But Seymour does not say that the section on health filled a modest part of the book. Hitchens certainly made the programme, you can still see it on YouTube. Verso thought the manuscript needed rewriting. Its editors passed it to Hitchens, who then won fame and notoriety by passing it off as his own work. She did not know. Years, I thought. Young lefties beware. If you can write, or even, as in the case of Seymour, you cannot, Verso will offer to publish you. Stay away. The record shows that it will try to take your money if you toe the party line, and trash your reputation if you do not.
On Friday 26th April get together with the people you love being with to do a whole lot of good. No one should face cancer alone. And with your support no one will. They have a serious legal team lined up to counter the suggestion raised in Argo that Iran is full of half-witted, bearded, brutal Islamist maniacs, all spying on each other and shouting very loudly in the streets and markets etc.
It always occurred to me that this was precisely what Iran was like but, having never been to the place, one should keep an open mind. It is the principle of the thing which interests me. If the Iranians are successful, then so might we be if we sue for having been represented by Hollywood, in years of film, as sexually repressed colonialist imbeciles with bad teeth who would not today exist were it not for the bravery and generosity of the USA; a pale and epicene race of rather aloof and arrogant people who are happy only when sipping a cup of tea or being beastly to the Irish.
I am sure there is more to us than Hollywood lets on. Britain gets it in the neck from both right-wing and left-wing US film-makers; whatever we do, we cannot win. But I never thought we could do very much about it. Of course we might well be hampered in court when the defence points out that British film-makers tend to depict their own country in precisely the same way these days. We might not have a leg to stand on once the judge has been shown works from the canon of Ken Loach, Mike Leigh, Terence Davies, Neil Jordan and so on.
The defence could. Mr Hardy is in the news this week because of a show, Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation, which has been described by some listeners as unmitigated, dour, metro-left-wing drivel. The woman who commissioned it, Caroline Raphael, seemed to. Or at least she said that there was great difficulty in finding comedians who were not left-wing, so the BBC was forced to employ the likes of Hardy.
This is not the point, in my opinion. Nobody else, anywhere, wishes to hear him, or see him — except for the most important speech radio network in the country.

All of those three are leftish, and so is another former Radio 4 contributor, Armando Iannucci. But the big difference is that they had something more beyond their politics: i. I could name you a hundred comics right now who would be wittier, sharper and cleverer at doing some rantto-the-nation broadcast, i.
Can anyone tell me of a single occasion upon which Toksvig has said something funny? It is true that there are not many rightwing comedians around. But then a convocation of insurance loss adjusters would be funnier than Hardy. Like most of the best comedians, David Mitchell does not let his politics get in the way of his humour, whatever his politics might be. The same is true of Frankie Boyle, although I suppose that in other ways he might not suit the Radio 4 demographic. But then nor, really, does Jeremy Hardy. Peter Tatchell asserted that 6 per cent of the population are gay.
What other estimates are there? Equal terms Chris Huhne and his ex-wife Vicky Pryce were both jailed for eight months for perverting the course of justice.
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What else could earn you an eight-month jail sentence? An enormous yes Falkland Islanders voted Some other one-sided referendums: — Mr Basescu escaped because turnout, at It is par for the course to teach kids about adult stuff through animal tales. So it makes sense that an educational establishment that wants to imbue children with respect for gay lifestyles would foist gay animals upon them. But what is striking today is how seriously adults take, or are expected to take, the idea that penguins and all other beasts can be properly gay.
In February an academic at the University of East Anglia made waves when he upbraided David Attenborough for focusing too much on hetero humping in the animal kingdom and failing to feature gay animal sex.
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Many gay rights activists and gay-friendly scientists seem positively obsessed. The belief is that if they can photograph two male penguins fornicating, or document the life of lesbian dogs, then they might finally prove that homosexuality is natural and put an end to all those nasty moral condemnations of gay humans. How sad. How defensive. And how insulting. Do these anthropomorphic activists never stop to think how degrading it is to gay people that their lives and loving bonds are being compared with the instinctual shagging of puzzled birds and dogs?
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The hunt for evidence of beastly homosexuality has become a serious intellectual pursuit in recent years. Hello big boy Apparently, the Octopoteuthis deletron, a deep-sea squid, indiscriminately shoots sperm at both. But is this gayness? I know lots of gay humans and, to the best of my knowledge, none of them stands around on street corners shooting their sperm at passers-by.
Archive for the ‘Victorian Historical Indexes’ Category
Some even campaign for the right of animals to have gay sex. When, in the late s, scientists in Oregon experimented with making allegedly gay sheep straight, there was outrage. The idea that humanity should work out what is morally OK, and should look for a justification for human homosexuality, through observing the behaviour of beasts is seriously warped. The idea that homosexuality is genetic emerged in the late s, at the end of a depressing decade for gay people. Following the Aids crisis and a new outburst of anti-gay moralism in political circles.
In the past, gay campaigners railed against the idea that they had a biological condition. In fact, it was those who were anti-gay who depicted homosexuality as biological. But the retreat from morality to biology speaks to a serious crisis of confidence in the modern gay movement. Greek justice and Vicky Pryce Every ancient Greek juror would have warmed to their descendant Vicky Pryce, when she admitted in court that she wanted revenge on her faithless husband. Revenge, in other words, did not just happen in Greek myth. It was a splendid reason for going to law. It was endlessly touted as justification for a case in Greek courts.
As a result, upper-class society could wage feuds of. In about BC, the wealthy politician Apollodoros opened a case against his rival Stephanos by stating that his family was demanding vengeance for the political harm Stephanos had done them over a long period of time.