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Close to it on one side stands the great convent he Ursulines, founded in , with its various buildings and dy grounds. Here under the floor of the chapel, lately restored, ntcalm was buried in a cavity made by the bursting of a tish shell, and the nuns, of whom there is a large company, I cherish the skull of the brave but unfortunate general. I had privilege quite recently of conversing with one of the older ers, who in her young days in the convent knew well an lent nun that as a girl actually witnessed the burial of pntcalm in this rude grave.
Here of old stood the Chateau St. One n hardly say that the tourist who seeks its hospitality, whether a day or a month, will find that in things material the in: lives up to the outside. A large statue of Champlaii brave array and posture, as is only fitting, adorns the north end; and beautiful as is the outlook from any portion of Dufferin Terrace, where the city and its visitors promen while the band plays on summer evenings, there is perh na better point of vantage on it than this same corner. Beneath the precipice, and on the narrow strip by which lower town at this southern edge draws into the rocky foo Cape Diamond, is the spot where Montgomery fell w heading the American assault upon the city on the last da; Beyond it the stately river rolls through its narrow g way, some fifteen hundred yards only in width, to spread immediately and right beneath one's eyes into the spaci harbour below.
Across the river are the higher ridges Levis, rich in the colouring of summer woods, dimpled x cottages and villas, that gradually merge into the town of 1 name, beneath whose streets, convents and gardens the batte of Monckton, which laid Quebec in ruins a hundred and fc years ago, are quite obscured. Beyond Levis again, and forming the southern shore of harbour, woods and fields, villages and country houses spr along the river bank; while away to the east and south a wide world of chequered landscape, backed by the fo of mountains—some, as the Adirondacks, shadowy and off, others again near and isolated, and showing plainly tl woodland drapery.
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And on the left from tposite the island of Orleans and the dark cliffs down which e Montmorency hurls its snowy cataract, the green ridges of sauport, dimpled with white cottages, recalls to-day with anderful precision the lines of Montcalm's celebrated defence, way down the river, too, and waving far inland from its north lore, their feet among the farming lands bright with grain and ubbles, hay-field and homestead, their rugged pine-clad ridges itting the sky, the Laurentian mountains complete the half rcle round which the eye wanders with rare delight, from the iadowy masses of Mount Tourmente to the woody slopes behind orette.
Quebec itself stands on the point of a long lofty ridge, one side ' which falls sheer into the St. Charles, that, winding its sinuous course Lrough fertile meadows from the north-west, joins the tidal liters of the greater river near the lower town. The city walls stretch across the ridge from the high-perched tadel above the St. Lawrence to the flats by the St. Charles, id thus acted as a defence in olden days against all attack by land, ill quite recently the various gates were standing in their original mdition. Two of them, those of St. Louis and St. John, widened id renovated to suit the stream of modern traffic, still form the rincipal pillar from the old city into the suburbs behind it.
Louis Street on their way to the ever- cmous Plains of Abraham. This highway was in the old French fgime an aristocratic quarter, and is even yet most eminently bpectable in its solid stone houses, of fairly venerable aspect; ieir doors and windows flush with the walls and opening on the :reet. As you ascend the steep and narrow highway towards ke St. Louis Gate, through which Montcalm rode bearing his iortal wound so bravely, you pass the small house where he was 1st laid to await the surgeon's verdict.
The head of the street lands one aid associations of the drum and trumpet, and houses that in e palmy days before the British garrisons were withdrawn from mada were mixed up with garrison life, i Highest of all is the omy building of the garrison club, a Quebec institution full of sociations with famous regiments, and still probably one of the uggest and pleasantest clubs in Canada. The civilian element w far exceeds the military, which is limited to the gunners and fantry of the Canadian regulars stationed in the citadel, and ch officials of the permanent or militia forces of Canada as ippen to be temporarily in the city, travelling east or west, he citadel itself is a point of undying interest to visitors.
The larters of the garrison line the cliffs, and few mess-rooms in the ritish Empire probably have so gorgeous an outlook from their fndows. Here, too, are the somewhat modest headquarters of le Governor-General when he makes his periodical visits to the ki capital of French Canada.
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In the centre of the parade tound a solitary cannon of insignificant dimensions proclaims ie fact that it was captured at Bunker's Hill, and seems bsitively to invite the pleasantry of wandering Yankees, who ave not failed to make comments on it that have become almost f classic as the fight itself, and certainly shed lustre on the ttle gun. Louis Street here finds an outlet through the now much estored and rejuvenated city walls by way of the gate already puded to as bearing its name, and becomes St.
Just outside tl city walls, along whose grassy summits by the way runs i almost continuous promenade, stand the Provincial Parliame buildings—a fine block of grey stone in the French Renai sance style, erected five-and-twenty years ago. There is in Quebec an Upper House or Legislative Count appointed for life by the Governor in Council, and a Low House or Chamber of Deputies of the usual type, electe under what is virtually manhood suffrage.
Both languages a used in debate, but as about seven-eighths of the deputies a Frenchmen, the Gallic tongue is naturally in the ascendar Both the chambers in which these French legislators so volub discuss their local affairs beneath the aegis of the Royal arn are worthy of any assembly in size and fittings. Beneath tl same roof are the offices of the Lieutenant-Governor, the heae of the departments, judicial, educational, agricultural; and a fir library.
The usual portrait gallery of past and present not; bilities, who have helped to guide the destinies of the Provine of Quebec, fill up other corners of the building, while on finel panelled stairways the coats of arms of distinguished Frencl Canadian families remind you that a reasonable pride of birt still survives, though politics as a matter of fact are absolute! On the outer face of the building, too, the glorie of Champiain and Cartier, Maisoneuve and Frontenac are cor spicuously commemorated.

Here among the clerks, messenger secretaries, lawyers and ministers moving about the corridoi you will hear very little English. It will be quite evident tha it is a French province being governed by Frenchmen. As it is, there can He no serious racial friction within the province. Out of a copulation of a million and a half nearly five-sixths are French, vhile the greater part of the English-speaking minority live ither in the city of Montreal or in a district known as the Eastern ownships, of which more anon.
They come out here shaking the dust f the old country off their feet, but when they have settled down hey don't mix with our people, though they are Roman Catholics, iut seem to prefer altogether to be among the English, whom hey have spent their lives in cursing. But unlike the American Jtates, whose powers were left undefined, those of the Central xovernment only being tabulated, the reverse method was in his case wisely adopted.
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The powers of the Provincial Govern- aents were clearly defined and limited, so that cases of doubt uch as raise frequent controversies between the defenders of States rights" and the Washington Government can never occur 1 Canada, the Ottawa Government assuming all powers that have tot been formally delegated to the provinces. Education would seem to offer some graver obstacles i: a society so constituted as is this one, but they seem to be sur mounted without much difficulty.
There is a general council c education subdivided into two boards, Catholic and Protestan with a permanent secretary acting for each. Such funds as th Government contribute to education are divided pro rata betwee each creed. Taxes are levied by school boards in each townshij but a minority of the opposite faith can always appeal and forr a school of their own, diverting the school taxes of thei co-religionists to such a purpose and appointing their ow schoolmaster.
Those who have the best of all reasons fc knowing tell me that the machine works in perfect harmony each secretary attending to the matters connected with those c his own language and faith. The Roman Church in a province where Church and State unlike France herself, are in almost complete sympathy, it nee hardly be said, controls education, for of French Protestants ther are practically none.
At the same time the results, from temporal point of view, are very markedly below those achieve in the Protestant parts of Canada. This will be readily undei stood, and if illustrations are required, anyone engaged in th great lumber trade of Ontario and the North-West, where thoi sands of young men of both nationalities are employed in mixe camps, will declare them in favour of the British employees, s far as schooling is concerned, without hesitation. Now at the corner where the electric trams turn away fror the St.
Louis Road towards the St. Charles Valley and th suburb of St. I wonder if there is an other battlefield in the world except Waterloo that support a cabstand or its equivalent?
I fancy not! I have been t Waterloo both in summer and winter, and I am inclined t think that more tourists visit the Plains of Abraham than eve that other more accessible and more famous arena outsid Brussels. Half a million Russians and Austrians were on eir way to support the Allies had Napoleon with his small my succeeded in repulsing them. If Wolfe, however, had iled on that grey September morning in , Canada would most certainly have remained to France.
The American Dlonies would never have dreamed, while such conditions sted, of independence, and the course of history in North merica would have been written on lines which one cannot mture even to speculate upon.