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On the agenda 7. Consulting Featured: How the digital boardroom provides you with everything to manage your company. Purpose Featured: Four ways to put your purpose to work in Transformative Index Featured: How to chart the right course for your transformation. Trust Featured: How will AI keep its promises and add tangible value at every stage of your business?
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Logo Join the conversation. Share your views. Get in touch to learn more. All Rights Reserved. ED MMYY This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Welcome to EY. On the one hand are words that reveal ignorance, confusion and hurt. We hear words like…. Ryan MacPherson As a teenager, I hear the media telling my peers and me about sex more than any other topic.
I have to ask myself two questions: What are they telling us? And, are we listening? Overwhelmingly, they are…. Wayne Mueller What do the words crime, innuendo, molestation, bias, misconduct, discrimination, overtones, violence, and perversion have in common?
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There is something especially repulsive about sexual sins. Pastor Rolfe Westendorf Society has always had trouble with the subject of sex. Some societies like the Victorian have hidden the topic in a closet as if it did not exist. Sex went on as usual, including its rankest forms…. Pastor James A. Show each other how much you care. In the Old Testament, we have the account of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of pertinence to…. Even church bodies differ on a particular issue though they claim to have the same Bible…. The older I get the more I miss the simplicity of life that I enjoyed….
Mark Clifford Brunner Teen dating? At least, if most 15 year-olds had their way, they would be happy never to hear these words again. Pastor Lyle J. Lindloff Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ Ephesians Which key unlocks the door?
To find the key that unlocks the door of Ephesians we must go to the beginning of the chapter…. Thomas H. How do you respond to a close friend or family member who is struggling with homosexuality? Or how do you answer a…. Never in the history of the Christian Church have avowed Christian congregations affirmed homosexuality as a God-pleasing lifestyle —….
Pastor Thomas H. In Letters to the Editor of a large university student newspaper, a man wrote,…. Wayne D. Mueller It was a painful silence. Judy and her parents sat motionless, speechless. How could this happen in their family? Judy and her brother had gone to church together, attended Sunday school and taught vacation Bible school….
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Once it is known, such expression on this contentious subject can result in dissension…. Cindy Ewings Dating. The first date. The movie that you saw, and the restaurant that you went to together. The jokes that you shared and the special moments that you spent together….
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What Is the Purpose of a Sexual Relationship? I will make a helper suitable for him. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you….
But critics have long argued….