High building densities limit the available space for drillings and underground investigations. Urban heat island effects and underground structures influence the thermal field, groundwater pollution and competing water uses limit the available subsurface. They aim to identify the key factors of the underground with respect to Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage ATES installations like thermal properties, aquifer thicknesses, groundwater flow velocities and their heterogeneity.
Combined numerical groundwater and heat transport models are applied for the assessment of both open and closed loop shallow geothermal systems. The Brussels Capital Region comprises of the Belgian Capital, the City of Brussels and 18 other municipalities covering km2 with almost 1. Beside the high population density the Brussels Capital Region has a pronounced topography and a relative complex geology.
This is both a challenge and an opportunity for the exploitation of shallow geothermal energy. Scenarios where developed using criteria for the hydrogeological feasibility of ATES installations such as saturated aquifer thickness, groundwater flow velocity and the groundwater head below surface.
The Brussels Sands. Soft drink consumption in adolescence: associations with food-related lifestyles and family rules in Belgium Flanders and the Veneto Region of Italy.
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The number of studies among adolescents that focus on several lifestyle behaviours and family rules as determinant of soft drink consumption are limited. The aim of this study is to investigate the associations between daily soft drink consumption, food-related lifestyles and family rules in adolescence. Binary logistic regression was used to test the association between soft drink consumption and food-related lifestyle breakfast habits, family meals, snacking, meals in fast food restaurants and television viewing and family rules restriction and obligation rules by region and gender.
Each independent variable is significantly associated with daily soft drink consumption, despite some sub-groups exceptions.
When we entered all the variables into the same statistical model, the positive association with daily soft drink consumption remained significant for frequent meals in fast food restaurants, television variables and low restriction rules. Breakfast during weekdays, evening meal with parents and obligation rules remained significant only in specific sub-groups and not the entire sample. Finally, the association with breakfast with parents and during the weekend disappeared. These findings suggest that considering gender and cultural differences, involving parents and limiting adolescents' exposure to television would increase the effectiveness of interventions aimed to reduce soft drink consumption in adolescence.
Education Policy Outlook: Belgium. This policy profile on education in Belgium is part of the "Education Policy Outlook" series, which presents comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries. Building on the OECD's substantial comparative and sectoral knowledge base, the series offers a comparative outlook on education policy by providing…. Labor Unions and Political Parties in Belgium. The balance of power inside the dominant socialist and Catholic blocs in Belgium , which were once incontestably led by the political elites, has been shifting toward the trade unions.
Regionalism has fragmented the political system far more than the industrial relations system; the unions' political influence will continue in importance.
First Belgian study to test use of preventive HIV medication
Belgium is an attractive country to work in, not just for doctors but for all Spanish workers, due to it having the headquarters of European Union. The health job allure is double; on the one hand, the opportunity to find a decent job, and on the other, because it is possible to develop their professional abilities with patients of the same nationality in a health system with a different way of working.
The Belgium health care system is based on security social models. Health care is financed by the government, social security contributions, and voluntary private health insurance. Primary care in Belgium is very different to that in Spain.
Citizens may freely choose their doctor general practitioner or specialist increasing the lack of coordination between primary and specialized care. This leads to serious patient safety problems and loss of efficiency within the system. Belgium is a European country with room to improve preventive coverage. General practitioners are self-employed professionals with free choice of setting, and their salary is linked to their professional activity.
Ambulatory care is subjected to co-payment, and this fact leads to great inequities on access to care. It takes 3 years to become a General Practitioner and continuing medical education is compulsory to be revalidated. In general, Belgian and Spaniards living and working in Belgium are happy with the functioning of the health care system. However, as doctors, we should be aware that it is a health care system in which access is constrained for some people, and preventive coverage could be improved.
Prevalence and demography of transsexualism in Belgium. The Belgian medical world has acknowledged the diagnosis of transsexualism and accepted Sex Reassignment Surgery SRS as one of the steps in the treatment of choice since This prevalence and demographic study analyses data on all Belgian individuals who have undergone SRS since that year.
The results show an overall prevalence of , for male-to-female and , for female-to-male transsexuals in Belgium. In Wallonia the French-speaking region of Belgium the prevalence is significantly lower than in Flanders the Dutch-speaking region and in Brussels the bilingual capital region. While in Flanders and in Brussels the prevalence is comparable to that in other Western European countries, in Wallonia it is markedly lower.
Transsexualism in Wallonia appears to be socially less acceptable: persons suffering from gender dysphoria in that part of Belgium encounter more problems accessing gender clinics and receiving treatment.
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Health care reform in Belgium. Curbing the growth of public sector health expenditures has been the proclaimed government objective in Belgium since the s. However, the respect for freedom of choice for patients and for therapeutic freedom for providers has blocked the introduction of microeconomic incentives and quality control.
Therefore--with some exceptions, particularly in the hospital sector--policy has consisted mainly of tariff and supply restrictions and increases in co-payments. These measures have not been successful in curbing the growth of expenditures. Moreover, there remains a large variation in medical practices. While the structure of health financing is relatively progressive from an international perspective, socioeconomic and regional inequalities in health persist. The most important challenge is the restructuring of the basic decision-making processes; i.

Incidence of scabies in Belgium. High-resolution climate and land surface interactions modeling over Belgium : current state and decennial scale projections. The interactions between land surface and climate are complex. Climate changes can affect ecosystem structure and functions, by altering photosynthesis and productivity or inducing thermal and hydric stresses on plant species.
These changes then impact socio-economic systems, through e. Ultimately, it can lead to permanent changes in land use structure, especially when associated with other non-climatic factors, such as urbanization pressure. These interactions and changes have feedbacks on the climate systems, in terms of changing: 1 surface properties albedo, roughness, evapotranspiration, etc. In this contribution, we analyze the results of the first simulations performed with the CARAIB dynamic vegetation model over Belgium at a resolution of 1km.
This analysis is performed at the species level, using a set of 17 species for natural vegetation trees and grasses and 10 crops, especially designed to represent the Belgian vegetation. Being a highly industrialized country with one of the highest male lung cancer mortality rates in Europe, Belgium is an interesting study area for lung cancer research.
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This study investigates geographical patterns in lung cancer mortality in Belgium. More specifically it probes into the contribution of individual as well as area-level characteristics to sub-district patterns in lung cancer mortality. Individual characteristics include education, housing status and home ownership. Urbanicity, unemployment rate, the percentage employed in mining and the percentage employed in other high-risk industries are included as sub-district characteristics.
Regional variation in lung cancer mortality at sub-district level is estimated using directly age-standardized mortality rates. The association between lung cancer mortality and individual and area characteristics, and their impact on the variation of sub-district level is estimated using multilevel Poisson models.
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Significant sub-district variations in lung cancer mortality are observed. Individual characteristics explain a small share of this variation, while a large share is explained by sub-district characteristics. Individuals with a low socioeconomic status experience a higher lung cancer mortality risk. Among women, an association with lung cancer mortality is found for the sub-district characteristics urbanicity and unemployment rate, while for men lung cancer mortality was associated with the percentage employed in mining.
Not just individual characteristics, but also area characteristics are thus important determinants of regional differences in lung cancer mortality. Language law in Belgium is based on two concepts. The territoriality principle entails that official language use varies from one linguistic region to another. The constitutional freedom of language is an essential complement to territoriality and grants residents the right to use the language of their choice.
In the monolingual regions of the….