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On the agenda 7. Consulting Featured: How the digital boardroom provides you with everything to manage your company. Purpose Featured: Four ways to put your purpose to work in Transformative Index Featured: How to chart the right course for your transformation. After the silting-up of the Zwin and the consequent decline of Bruges , the city of Antwerp, then part of the Duchy of Brabant , grew in importance. At the end of the 15th century the foreign trading houses were transferred from Bruges to Antwerp, and the building assigned to the association of English merchants active in the city is specifically mentioned in London bankers were too small to operate on that scale, and Antwerp had a highly efficient bourse that itself attracted rich bankers from around Europe.
After the s, the city's banking business declined: England ended its borrowing in Antwerp in Fernand Braudel states that Antwerp became "the centre of the entire international economy, something Bruges had never been even at its height. During the first half of the 16th century Antwerp grew to become the second-largest European city north of the Alps.
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Many foreign merchants were resident in the city. Francesco Guicciardini , the Florentine envoy, stated that hundreds of ships would pass in a day, and 2, carts entered the city each week.
Portuguese ships laden with pepper and cinnamon would unload their cargo. According to Luc-Normand Tellier "It is estimated that the port of Antwerp was earning the Spanish crown seven times more revenues than the Spanish colonization of the Americas". Without a long-distance merchant fleet, and governed by an oligarchy of banker-aristocrats forbidden to engage in trade, the economy of Antwerp was foreigner-controlled, which made the city very cosmopolitan, with merchants and traders from Venetian Republic , Republic of Genoa , Republic of Ragusa , Spain and Portugal.
Antwerp had a policy of toleration, which attracted a large crypto- Jewish community composed of migrants from Spain and Portugal. By , the Portuguese had established Antwerp as one of their main shipping bases, bringing in spices from Asia and trading them for textiles and metal goods.
The city's trade expanded to include cloth from England, Italy and Germany, wines from Germany, France and Spain, salt from France, and wheat from the Baltic. The city's skilled workers processed soap, fish, sugar, and especially cloth. Banks helped finance the trade, the merchants, and the manufacturers. The city was a cosmopolitan center; its bourse opened in , "To the merchants of all nations. Antwerp experienced three booms during its golden age: the first based on the pepper market, a second launched by American silver coming from Seville ending with the bankruptcy of Spain in , and a third boom, after the stabilising Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in , based on the textiles industry.
In the century after , the city's economy and population declined dramatically The Portuguese merchants left in , and there was much less trade in English cloth. Numerous financial bankruptcies began around Amsterdam replaced Antwerp as the major trading center for the region. The religious revolution of the Reformation erupted in violent riots in August , as in other parts of the Low Countries. When the Eighty Years' War broke out in , commercial trading between Antwerp and the Spanish port of Bilbao collapsed and became impossible.
Subsequently, the city joined the Union of Utrecht in and became the capital of the Dutch Revolt. In , Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza , captured it after a long siege and as part of the terms of surrender its Protestant citizens were given two years to settle their affairs before quitting the city. Antwerp's banking was controlled for a generation by Genoa , and Amsterdam became the new trading centre. This impediment remained in force until , although the provisions were relaxed during French rule from to , and also during the time Belgium formed part of the Kingdom of the United Netherlands to However, he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo before he could see the plan through.
During this attack the town was further damaged.
Antwerp was the first city to host the World Gymnastics Championships , in The Siege of Antwerp lasted for 11 days, but the city was taken after heavy fighting by the German Army, and the Belgians were forced to retreat westwards. Antwerp remained under German occupation until the Armistice. Antwerp hosted the Summer Olympics. During World War II , the city was an important strategic target because of its port. After this, the Germans attempted to destroy the Port of Antwerp , which was used by the Allies to bring new material ashore.
Thousands of Rheinbote , V-1 and V-2 missiles were fired more V-2s than used on all other targets during the entire war combined , causing severe damage to the city but failed to destroy the port due to poor accuracy. After the war, Antwerp, which had already had a sizeable Jewish population before the war, once again became a major European centre of Haredi and particularly Hasidic Orthodox Judaism. A Ten-Year Plan for the port of Antwerp — expanded and modernized the port's infrastructure with national funding to build a set of canal docks.
The broader aim was to facilitate the growth of the north-eastern Antwerp metropolitan region, which attracted new industry based on a flexible and strategic implementation of the project as a co-production between various authorities and private parties. The plan succeeded in extending the linear layout along the Scheldt river by connecting new satellite communities to the main strip. Starting in the s, Antwerp rebranded itself as a world-class fashion centre. It emerged from organized tourism and mega-cultural events. The municipality comprises the city of Antwerp proper and several towns.
It is divided into nine entities districts :. In , in preparation of the year development plan for the Port of Antwerp , the municipalities of Berendrecht-Zandvliet-Lillo were integrated into the city territory and lost their administrative independence.