As the highlight of the Belgian Pride Festival, the exuberant and colourful Pride Parade will travel through the streets in the heart of Brussels at the end of August, and will bring us all together at the Pride Village. Help us build the Belgian Pride and become part of the family!
We are looking for motivated people ready to make it an awesome edition this year together with us. Without you, there would be no Belgian Pride. Always wanted to help organizing this amazing event? Art nouveau bike tour With all its utopian dreamery, Brussels is, surprisingly, not as bike-friendly as cities like Antwerp, Copenhagen or Amsterdam, but cycling remains a great way to get to the many examples of Art Nouveau architecture spread throughout the city centre, designed by the likes of architect Victor Horta.
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My favourite maps include one for lesbian and gay visitors, a contemporary art map and the guide for all things Tintin. This shopping haven is centred on The Meir, which also pays homage to local heroes of art with a series of statues along the strip. Taxis are quite affordable but generally have to be ordered rather than hailed. Order the cherry beer for the gayest brew ever,.
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Its cobbled streets and winding canals are full of medieval charm. It was once a haven for single and widowed women who had chosen a religious life, whether because so many men were off in the Crusades or these women were simply emancipated. They were very self-sufficient, with their own brewery, school and chapel. They paid a member of the clergy for mass, but he was not allowed to live on site. Sons were allowed until they reached the age of 14 and daughters until they were 18, at which point daughters could make the decision to join or leave.
What people might consider romantic or polite back home might not be well received in your new home country. If you happen to live in Belgium, learning about the local dating scene and the mindset of Belgian men and women can really help your love life. Luckily, this guide is here to help by providing the following information about dating in Belgium:. Are you looking to meet single expats and potentially find 'the one'?
Finding love as an expat can be challenging, but that's where an online dating site can help.

Expatica Dating will help you meet eligible singles in Belgium and find the perfect match. Register for free today and begin your quest! Belgium might not be known as the most romantic nation, but when it comes to dating, Belgian men and women have a lot to offer. On the contrary, Belgians are often considered to be somewhat reserved and closed when first meeting people.
This can make them appear distant, unemotional, or even disinterested in the early stages of dating. After all, once a Belgian man or woman enters a relationship, they are much more comfortable opening up.
Furthermore, they place a high value on long-term relationships, which is good news if you are seeking commitment. Just like in other European countries, there are several traditional ways to meet new people in Belgium. Meeting someone at a bar or through friends remains a common way to meet Belgian men and women.
LGBT rights in Belgium - Wikipedia
This is especially true in smaller cities that have tighter communities and offer fewer opportunities for people to mingle. Given the reserved and humble nature of Belgians, it is also perhaps not surprising that the majority of couples meet this way. Online dating is another option that has become increasingly popular in Belgium.
There are now a plethora of dating websites that provide ample opportunities to meet local men and women. However, you may find that in larger cities such as Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, and Genval, many of the users and members are from overseas, as this is where the majority of expats live in Belgium. Meanwhile, Tinder, Bumble, Happn, and Badoo remain the go-to apps for casual dating. When it comes to dating etiquette, Belgium is fairly similar to other European countries. That said, there are certain cultural traits that are useful to know when dating as an expat.
Generally speaking, Belgians tend to move slowly when it comes to showing their interest in a potential partner.
Therefore, it might take some time for them to muster up the courage to ask someone out. If you met through mutual friends, which is common in Belgium, you might see them several times before they make a move and ask you out for coffee. You might also visit parks, cinemas, and fun cultural attractions.
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If you happen to live in the capital, there are plenty of fun things to do in Brussels , depending on your preference. In fact, all of the major cities in Belgium are full of fun activities to suit all interests. These may become apparent once you begin to navigate the local dating scene. While your Belgian sweetheart might not spoil you with roses or dance with you in the moonlight, they will certainly never keep you waiting. This is because people in Belgium consider being late a major sign of disrespect; furthermore, punctuality is a prided trait. If your date is picking you up, therefore, make sure that you are ready well in advance as they will likely be on your doorstep before the agreed time.
Neatness and order are highly regarded in Belgian culture and men, in particular, are a penchant for self-grooming; down to their clean and tidy fingernails. Showing up to a date wearing torn jeans or overly casual clothes will unlikely impress a Belgian. Belgian men and women are known to be particularly organized when it comes to their social lives and careers. It is typical for people to have active schedules and many commitments; therefore, it can be tricky to secure a place on their agenda.
Belgian people also tend to like their comfort zone which means they are less likely to be available for last-minute plans or impromptu dates. Therefore, appearing flakey or unreliable, or canceling on them last-minute will not score you any points.