Since then, they have collected Dutch old master paintings from the seventeenth century; later they added seventeenth-century Dutch furniture and silver as well as about 20, books to the collection. Chloe Stead b. Chloe grew up in Cornwall and Somerset; when not in a museum, she is happiest in a sailing boat. As an ardent supporter of more than twenty art institutions, Fatima has fostered and promoted contemporary art globally.
Shirley Young b. Shirley has served on many corporate boards including Salesforce. She has received many awards for her business and cultural activities. Annabelle Selldorf b.

The firm creates public and private spaces that manifest a clear and modern sensibility to enduring impact. Selldorf Architects has worked on public and private projects that range from museums and libraries to a recycling facility; and at scales from the construction of new buildings to the restoration of historic interiors and exhibition design. She has been exploring kinesthetic experiences triggered by weight. She recently graduated with B. Sara Boatto b. After graduating, she spent a semester in Lyon, France, studying history of costume and fashion.
Nature Conservation
She started working for Rubelli Company in Venice at the end of She is currently working for Rubelli Venezia Venetian Textile Company , dealing with commercial activity related to the showroom and Sara is specialized in the historical section for the Rubelli museum, as the company owns a collection of more than historical fabrics — from the Renaissance to the early twentieth century and technical papers.
She is self-taught. She has been consistent in creating art in many formats, from graphic design, tattooing to airbrushing, from logos to CD covers, from canvas to walls, from T-shirt designs to teaching her skills to the youth. This painting ultimately defined my future career. Souria Sadekova b. She initially became an architect after studying at the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
In her next book Sundaydoggy.
Orshi Orsolya Drozdik b. Orshi has lectured in the US and in Hungary.
Her oeuvre consists of drawings, paintings, photographs, etchings, performances, videos, sculptures, installations, academic writings and fictions. Her works are profound meditations on gender and identity, in which she scrutinizes her own place in the art world and in society. Angela Choon b. Marga Weimans b. From to she was awarded an art residency by the renowned Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands. The museum collected and exhibited key couture dresses, including all her graduate collections.
In a retrospective solo exhibition was held in the museum. The book Fashion House: Marga Weimans was published in D Lesley Hill b. She holds an A. She began in trade in ; in , as Hill-Stone, Inc. She has sold art to museums throughout Europe and the United States and regularly visits print rooms around the world to study old master art on paper. Her dream is to find a lost etching by Hercules Segers. Her personal interests include eighteenth- and nineteenth-century jewellery and Renaissance and Neoclassical kleinkunst.
She is also proud of her powerful female ancestors, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Anne Marbury Hutchinson , who was banished from Massachusetts to Rhode Island in because she wanted to open the clergy to all. Susan Singer b. In addition to learning about the NHS, and the political difficulties it continues to face, Susan developed an interest in art — architecture, fine arts and decorative arts.
To pursue these interests further, she deferred her place at Harvard and moved to Rome to continue to learn about art and the Italian language. Susan never returned to the US to finish her education; she met her husband in London and decided to remain in the UK and share her life with him. Han Feng b. She moved to New York in and launched her first ready-to-wear collection in She finds inspiration in the exploration of refined textures, materials and craftsmanship, which led to a partnership with Tai Ping Carpets in a rug collection as well as with various Shanghai hotels to create staff uniforms.
Han Feng has long been a champion and collector of contemporary Chinese art, collaborating closely with many artists on exciting discoveries to combine art and design, leading up to the opening of Han Feng Art Space in Shanghai in and New York in Alia Al-Senussi b. Alia is active in the art world, with a special focus on patronage and arts and culture in the Middle East.
Alia is also a member of various advisory boards in the UK. Carla's project is inspiring and sheds light on the women who are doing fantastic things and moving us forward to help close that gap. Charlotte Berkowitz b. She was raised in New York City and Paris where she visited the many museums and galleries available. She earned a B. The issue of diversity is complex and women have the power collectively to bring about profound change.
Concepts and Practice
Melanie Keen b. With the Stuart Hall Library acting as a critical hub for its work, Iniva works predominantly with British-born and British-based visual artists of African and Asian descent, supporting them at different stages in their careers. In a career spanning over 20 years, Melanie has also worked as an independent curator and consultant. Ellida Minelli b. She moved to the UK to study, reading art history and arts management at Oxford Brookes. She gained experience in an auction house and worked with John Mitchell Fine Paintings before working for Derek Johns, a dealer specializing in old master paintings.
Ellida also has a passion for photography and architecture. Laura Ruth Bidwell b. To earn extra money for college, Laura worked as a portrait artist. After college, she was hired to work in the advertising department of the M. O'Neil Company. Her next job was as a graphic designer at Malone Advertising. She and her husband, Fred, began collecting contemporary photography in when they were married. They opened the Transformer Station in to store and exhibit their collection.
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Laura is currently a photographer, book maker and collage artist living in Cleveland. Elizabeth M. Betty Eveillard b. After 30 years working primarily at Lehman Brothers and PaineWebber, she retired in Within months of retirement Betty was asked to join both for-profit and non-profit boards. After retiring from the Smith College board, she was invited to join the Frick Collection board and now serves as its Chairman.
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Betty and her husband collect drawings. Clementine Sinclair b. Fleur Roos Rosa de Carvalho b. She discovered the specific appeal of nineteenth-century works on paper while working as an Assistant Curator at the Van Gogh Museum from to With her publication and the exhibition Prints in Paris From the Elite to the Street she set out to return prints to their historic context. Laura Doyle b. She is the youngest of three daughters of Bill and Kathy Doyle. Her father started William Doyle Galleries, which he ran until his death at 53 in Iris van Herpen b.
Her designs incorporate unique treatments of material and the creation of completely new materials, often involving interdisciplinary research and collaborations with other artists. In , a year after graduating, she established her own label. It should empower and challenge. She worked in marketing, communications, digital design and media for almost 30 years. She serves on the board of the Dutch Creative Council and was also board member of the film festival Cinekid. She is committed to promoting innovation and growth through applied creativity. Marieke Spliethoff b.
She co-authored the catalogue The portrait miniatures in the collections of the House of Orange-Nassau and she contributed to the catalogue Princely Display Haags Historisch Museum In she wrote Feestelijke geschenken voor de jonge koningin Prenten en tekeningen , Juliana in beeld , Oranje in miniatuur en Keizerin Sisi, sprookje en werkelijkheid It took a century of art history to write many of them out.
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Wieteke van Zeil b. She is a cultural journalist and writer who pens a weekly series about details of works of art entitled Eye for Detail Oog voor Detail for the weekend magazine of the Dutch national newspaper De Volkskrant. Lisanne Wepler b.
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It was published in Lisanne is an art historian, interested in how images and stories of animals were formed throughout the centuries, for which the Aesopian fable is an important source. Her aim is to assemble representations of fables in the fine arts, graphics and applied arts from to and to specify the representation of living animals in the fine arts. She is researching this subject as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Leiden — Previously, she worked as a junior curator at the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum in Braunschweig Deborah Swallow b.
Hannah Rothschild b.