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Aaron Rips, co-chair. Personality Shirley Rosenblmn got back spondent Hashes, is an axtuiitjthe Nazis of last "Wednesday at the Paxton ho- man, will sponsor one of thB out- from her trip to Canada tho other John is twenty-six. It is made of telephone -trirs by Jewish rs. Strung from Hitler's private esample.
KtUis-n He"-. The line has bees in - -Daciei-s. Do write soon ES I'll be wait- and hoEsst. Has a liberal cutloofc, operation since July. Likes serious literature. Bon, chairman,, and Mrs. Harry P. Not only because is reading "Jean Christopher" for MalashocS,. Meyers; Sunday school, she -will be joining the! Zionist test I entered the other day, the third time; serious mssls like his dinner parties is Israel B.
Is not. Invariably, matzoh bafley to bis chictens, ::r. Kulakofsky, chairman, and Mrs.. Levenson, co-chairman; gift program of the Jewish National ful Edward Robinson. Kulakofsky, co- immigration a n d colonization through Youth Aliyah," said Mrs. Scngrsr-iter r. Mas Cohen at a pep meeting h,e of a Paul Muni.

Others are: Community co- in her home last week. MalashocS; camel upon vrhicli I. Ths Sie'f home jls. Lou Sogolow, chair- being" assisted i n ' t h e city-wide man, and Mrs. Sam Steinberg, co- membership - drive by - Mrs. Sam kid.
Meyer Betre'r, Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. Beberr telephone, Mrs. Jack Elmer Greenberg and Mrs. Tully, co-chairman; ways' and the cinema sky. Born in the vilest, grimiest of "That subject is so easily esAlfeo serving are:. East Side tenements. Well, he'd Louis Alberts,. Harry Frankel, co-chairAt a meeting held Tuesday his home was either a wretched events and politics. He shuns pub. Al pledges to the Mother chapter vival. Initiated are Alvin Hertsberg and factory, sweated out a poor liv- even refused to attend his first p r e v i e w , "Four Daughters," A. Theodore, co-chairman.
Mas Kirshenbaum. Sid Bethelgrams, Mrs. Life for himSkolsky hands him a verbal patkey; book review, Mrs. Dave the. He replies, "Oh, r c a Sherman, chairman, and Mrs. Wezelman presented patents to to crime. At Alephs initiated last week. Harry Rochman. Julias Regional summer tournament to fry. Jacob be held here this week-end, gave contact with two criminal gangs a meeting with fan EIES v-riters. Blank, chairman, and Mrs. John a report of the convention com- the authorities stepped- in. Leo Adler, chairman, and urged that Mother chapter Alephs "reform" school.
Nathan Horwich, co-chair- show visitors a good time and break in h'ia life. Harry have one themselves.
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OZG Truslin. Othreported -that a Kibitzer nrfi A- Sew Goal er three are: to have a home, to come out in time for the tournaPatri, child psychologist, stud own a Capehart radio , and to ment luncheon Sunday, Septem- ied John, ona day suggested t h e be "'as great as Hssi. When xrs boy might be a good actor. The pointed out' that the first t v o A meeting of Chapter, A.
Aleph Godel Irving Nogg ap- idea was fascinating.
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John threw ought to be. He wants than only after long hard -work. The most important part chapter's annual Achar Hataunis school's. The co-chairmen are Mor- hausted its possibilities.