Search Event. Care With Us! Join the Pride Parade and Pride Vilage As the highlight of the Belgian Pride Festival, the exuberant and colourful Pride Parade will travel through the streets in the heart of Brussels at the end of August, and will bring us all together at the Pride Village. Share the streets with us and inscribe now! Get involved! Become a Helping Hand! Enter your event here! Enter Events!
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If the contribution of the Constitutional Court's decisions to the debate on euthanasia is limited, in such a way that the Court's intervention does not contain the seeds of changes far as the Act on Euthanasia is concerned, the presented bills, on the contrary, could presage evolutions of the text. An integration of external information for foreign stallions into the Belgian genetic evaluation for jumping horses.
The aim of this study was to test the integration of external information, i. The Belgian model is a bivariate repeatability Best Linear Unbiased Prediction animal model only based on Belgian performances, while Belgian breeders import horses from neighbouring countries. Hence, use of external information is needed as prior to achieve more accurate EBV.
Pedigree and performance data contained horses and performances, respectively. After conversion to the Belgian trait, external information of 98 French and 67 Dutch stallions was integrated into the Belgian evaluation. External information was partially to totally equivalent to 4 years of contemporary horses' performances or to all the stallions' own performances. All these results showed the interest to integrate external information into the Belgian evaluation.
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Today, only a limited number of citizens really use the card in electronic applications. A major reason is the lack of killer functionality and killer applications. These differences are not or are poorly understood. Clinical questionnaires were filled out and microbiological sampling was performed. While 20 distinct emm-types were identified among Belgian isolates, 48 were found among Brazilian isolates. By contrast, A—C pattern isolates were unfrequently recovered in a region where rheumatic fever is still highly prevalent. Conclusions Epidemiologic features of GAS from a pediatric population were very different in an industrialised country and a low incomes region, not only in term of clinical presentation, but also in terms of genetic diversity and distribution of emm patterns.
These differences should be taken into account for designing treatment guidelines and vaccine strategies. Impact of a VAP bundle in Belgian intensive care units. In order to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia VAP in Belgium, a national campaign for implementing a VAP bundle involving assessment of sedation, cuff pressure control, oral care with chlorhexidine and semirecumbent position, was launched in This report will document the impact of this campaign.
For each of these, data about the application of the bundle and the possible treatment for VAP were recorded. Between While the characteristics of ventilated patients remained similar throughout the years, the percentage of ventilated patients and especially the duration of ventilation significantly decreased before and after the national VAP bundle campaign. Oral care was more frequently performed within a day, using more concentrated solutions of chlorhexidine. Subglottic suctioning also was used but in only Although a causal relationship cannot be inferred from these data, the successive surveys revealed a potential impact of the VAP bundle campaign on both the respiratory care of ventilated patients and the prevalence of VAP in Belgian ICUs encouraging them to follow the guidelines.
Genetic parameters for chronic progressive lymphedema in Belgian Draught Horses. Genetic parameters for chronic progressive lymphedema CPL -associated traits in Belgian Draught Horses were estimated, using a multitrait animal model. Age, gender, coat colour and limb hair pigmentation were included as fixed, permanent environment and date of recording as random effects. Date of recording explained a proportion of variance from 0. Additive genetic correlations between CPLclin and both skinfold thickness and hair diameter showed the latter two traits cannot be used as a direct diagnostic aid for CPL.
Due to the relatively low heritability of CPLclin , selection should focus on estimated breeding values from repeated clinical examinations to reduce CPL occurrence in the Belgian Draught Horse. Technical improvements in 19th century Belgian window glass production.

Glass was used since the Roman age in the building envelope, but it became widely applied together with iron since the 19th century. Belgium was a major producer of window glass during the nineteenth century and the majority of the produced window glass was exported all over the world. Investigating the literature on the development of 19th century Belgian window glass production is therefore internationally relevant.
In the 17th century, wood was replaced as a fuel by coal.
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In the 19th century, the regenerative tank furnace applied gas as a fuel in a continuous glass production process. The advantages were a clean production, a more constant and higher temperature in the furnace and a fuel saving. The French chemist Nicolas Leblanc and later the Belgian chemist Ernest Solvay invented processes to produce alkali out of common salt. The artificial soda ash improved the quality and aesthetics of the glass plates.
During the 19th century, the glass production was industrialized, influencing the operation of furnaces, the improvement of raw materials as well as the applied energy sources. Although the production process was industrialized, glassblowing was still the work of an individual. By improving his work tools, he was able to create larger glass plates.
The developments in the annealing process followed this evolution. The industry had to wait until the invention of the drawn glass in the beginning of the 20th century to fully industrialise the window glass manufacture process. Belgian modified classification of Maastricht for donors after circulatory death. A new classification is proposed on the basis of the result of a consensus of experts issued from all Belgian transplant centers. In category I, the patient is declared "dead on arrival" and, in category II, there is an "unsuccessful resuscitation" whether it occurred out or in the hospital for both situations.
Category III is the most usual situation in which the treating physician and family are "awaiting cardiac arrest" to declare the death of the patient.
Category IV is always characterized by "cardiac arrest during brain death. Organ donation after euthanasia is allowed under the scope of donation after circulatory death. This classification conserves the skeleton of the Maastricht one, as it is simple and clear, but classifies easily the different donors after circulatory death types by processes for ethical issues and for the non-medical or non-specialized reader interested in the field.
This is also an argument for public consideration and trust in the difficult field of organ donation. Frequency of Mycobacterium chimaera among Belgian patients, Mycobacterium chimaera arouses an increasing public health concern, as this non-tuberculous mycobacterium NTM has recently been associated with life-threatening cardiac infections. Therefore, it has become important for laboratories to use adequate techniques allowing precise species identification.
To date, most commercially available laboratory assays cannot distinguish them and erroneously identify M. We performed a re-analysis of the M. We found that M. This study reports the large presence of M. This study also stresses the public health importance of M. Comparison of health-seeking characteristics of German and Belgian university students. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of primary health care differs between students enrolled in Belgian and German government-funded universities.
The secondary aim of the study was to determine the factors that might explain such a difference. Participants were recruited through all Belgian and German government-funded universities. Because not all the universities agreed to participate, recruiting was also done through social media groups of the universities. An anonymous online survey was used for data collection. In total, completed surveys were evaluated, of which from students in Belgium and from students in Germany.
Belgian university students were more likely to attend a primary care physician than the German students. The health care seemed to be better organized for Belgian students and they were more satisfied with the delivered care. Characteristics of suicide hotspots on the Belgian railway network. In , railway suicide accounted for 5.
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In , Infrabel Manager of the Belgian Railway Infrastructure introduced a railway suicide prevention programme, including identification of suicide hotspots, i. The study presents an analysis of 43 suicide hotspots based on Infrabel data collected during field visits and semi-structured interviews conducted in mental health facilities in the vicinity of the hotspots.
Three major characteristics of the hotspots were accessibility, anonymity, and vicinity of a mental health institution. The interviews identified several risk and protective factors for railway suicide, including the training of staff, introduction of a suicide prevention policy, and the role of the media. In conclusion, a comprehensive railway suicide prevention programme should continuously safeguard and monitor hotspots, and should be embedded in a comprehensive suicide prevention programme in the community.
Several European countries implemented initiatives to boost the growth of the domestic cleaning sector. Few studies investigated the quality of work in these initiatives, although effects on workers' health and on social health inequalities can be expected. This study contributes to the scant research on this subject, by investigating the quality of work in the Belgian service voucher system - a subsidized system for domestic work. The applied research methodology includes a qualitative content analysis of parliamentary debates, legislation and previous research about the service voucher system and of 40 in-depth interviews with service voucher workers.
The study shows that the legal framework that regulates the system must be further enhanced in order to improve the quality of work in the service voucher system.
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In addition, the actors involved must be better controlled, and sanctioned in case of non-compliance with legislation. Revising the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset: from concept to implementation. The first phase June-October involved the development of a conceptual framework based on a literature review and secondary data analysis.
These panels identified the following items as priorities for the revised B-NMDS: hospital financing, nurse staffing allocation, assessment of the appropriateness of hospitalisation, and quality management. During this period, we developed a draft instrument with 92 variables using the NIC. The third phase October December focused on data collection and validation of the new tool.
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This test generated data for some 95, in-patient days. The discriminative power of the revised B-NMDS was also assessed to select the most relevant variables for data collection. The fourth phase January December is presently focusing on information management. Nationwide implementation is foreseen by January Dietary intake of artificial sweeteners by the Belgian population. This study investigated whether the Belgian population older than 15 years is at risk of exceeding ADI levels for acesulfame-K, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame and sucralose through an assessment of usual dietary intake of artificial sweeteners and specific consumption of table-top sweeteners.
A conservative Tier 2 approach, for which an extensive label survey was performed, showed that mean usual intake was significantly lower than the respective ADIs for all sweeteners. Assessment of intake using a Tier 3 approach was preceded by optimisation and validation of an analytical method based on liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. The contribution of table-top sweeteners to the total usual intake Belgian population is not at risk of exceeding the established ADIs for sweeteners.
Background: The clinical approach to a prolonged cough, i.
What the recommended clinical approach in primary care is, how cough duration or cough characteristics impact the diagnosis, and what the efficiency and safety of antibiotics or symptomatic treatments are remain in question for primary care physicians. Objective: The last Belgian guidelines were published in and needed to be reviewed.