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So he knew that he had been receiving a telepathic call these past five days. But he was vaguely worried about it, and had not yet attempted an answer. He could not decipher just what was being said, although there was something slightly familiar about the word-ideas. Finally, after several days, he caught on. It was not, as he had guessed at first, a foreign language. Rather, it was a very dis- torted form of English. There was a slur- ring—a clipped elision to the word and sen- tence structure, that had delayed his un- derstanding. Now he had been forced to the belief that the person sending was from the Future.
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We spend our days with our studies, our hobbies, or in pure pleasures. We have to work about forty hours a week in order to earn our living. But it is because of our conditions here that I have tried to get in touch with someone from your age. There is a very important task which I wish you to do for me. Are you willing to attempt it?