Single and gay Peer Belgium

Also, the effectiveness of the program will be discussed. Over the years, the European Union has continued to extend its action on lesbian, gay men, bisexual and transgender LGBT rights to a range of areas including access to justice, asylum, freedom of Over the years, the European Union has continued to extend its action on lesbian, gay men, bisexual and transgender LGBT rights to a range of areas including access to justice, asylum, freedom of expression and assembly, parenting, and mutual recognition of civil status within the EU. The European Parliament has been a driving force behind such action adopting a range of resolutions calling for continued progress in this field.

In particular, Belgium has been one of the first countries to legalize same-sex parenting and to create a general framework for action against negative attitudes towards gay and lesbian parents. Results revealed that attitudes can go from supportive to unsupportive, and participants do not show the same degree of support towards the different types of same-sex parenting.

Being in a couple is as much a process, as it is a status provider Boszormenyi-Nagy, To some people, this process may feel difficult or uncomfortable Cigoli, , with some types of Most studies on couples rely on individual self-reported questionnaires. By using a mixed methodology direct observation of interactions and questionnaires , the present study aims at highlighting the relation between the type of interactions among partners, and their level of couple and sexual satisfaction.

A total of individuals completed questionnaires, and twenty couples were observed directly. Our results indicate factors that lead to greater satisfaction in relationships, as well as types of interaction that may create crisis situations within couples. The present study helps to better understand warning signals in relationships thereby allowing timely reactions before they deteriorate and potentially lead to situations that are notoriously more difficult to manage, such as domestic violence or conflictual separations. The aim of this research was to question foster children and their family about their sense of belonging.

Moreover, we questioned the children about their perception of the people constituting their Moreover, we questioned the children about their perception of the people constituting their family. Finally, conflict of loyalties was investigated in order to understand how children felt living in a foster family while keeping in touch with their biological family.

We used different tools including one we created, based on different indicators of sense of belonging and conflict of loyalties identified by previous research ex. The study was conducted with a population of 10 foster families. Our results highlighted the presence of a double sense of belonging for all the foster children belonging to the foster family and at the same time, to the biological family.

Nevertheless, most of children felt a stronger sense of belonging towards their foster family than to their biological family. We also discovered that the concept of "family" could be difficult to understand for some children, and that for others, this notion spontaneously included only the members of their host family. Finally, we showed the conflict of loyalties was present in the majority of families but in different intensities. Indeed, the Belgian Parliament has legalized marriage and parenting for same-sex couples, has enacted Indeed, the Belgian Parliament has legalized marriage and parenting for same-sex couples, has enacted anti-discrimination laws, and has funded several action plans to combat homophobia.

More particularly, the access to parenthood is legally possible for same-sex couples through adoption, artificial insemination and in vitro fecundation. In this supportive political context, lots of same-sex-headed families exist. However, same-sex parenting is still considered as a controversial topic by some heterosexual people.

Same-sex marriage

In Study 1, the degrees of support of heterosexual participants aged from 18 to 81 towards those types of parenting have been analysed through a self-report questionnaire. In particular, adoption by lesbian and gay couples is the more accepted type of parenting, followed by artificial insemination. Then, adoption for single lesbians or gay men and surrogacy are the types of parenting that are the less supported. Then, though the content analysis of comments posted on social networks Study 2 , we highlighted the arguments in favour and against those specific types of parenting.

Indeed, the Belgian Parliament has legalized marriage and parenting for same-sex couples, has enacted anti-discrimination laws, and has designed and funded several action plans to combat homophobia. Moreover, since the legalization of parenthood for gay men and lesbians, more and more same-sex couples adopt children or resort to artificial insemination, and the total number of children growing up with same-sex parents is growing steadily.

Thus, a new reality is emerging: the reality of same-sex headed families. However, in spite of the civil rights granted to gay men and lesbians, the issue of social acceptance of same-sex couples and their children still remains and Belgium continues to record increasing levels of violence against homosexual people. The first goal was to investigate the social and personal factors that may be associated with positive and negative attitudes towards same-sex marriage and those towards same-sex parenting Study 1.

The respective role of several variables was also discussed gender-role traditionalism, beliefs in the origin of homosexuality, general attitudes towards gay men and lesbians, representations of child well-being and contact. We demonstrated that increasing intergroup contact can help diminish the impact of some personal beliefs on attitudes towards same-sex parenting.

Moreover, results revealed that the degree of support differed in regard to the different types of parenthood. Moreover, several authors in the field of social psychology highlighted the role of beliefs and social representations upon attitudes Dardenne, Specifically, attitudes towards gay men and lesbians as parents seem to be somehow beliefs-based Costa, Our next objectives were to explore the arguments in favour and against same-sex parenting, both in the general population through the comments posted on social networks Study 2 and with health-care professionals working in family counselling centres Study 3.

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Both studies highlighted positive and negative arguments, each linked to one of the following category: societal and legal context, religiosity, contact, representations of homosexuality, gender-role traditionalism, general attitudes towards gay men and lesbians and representations about child well-being.

Moreover, a comparative analysis of the two samples allowed us to state that the arguments held by the social workers are quite similar to those held by the citizens in the general population. BMC Psychiatry ; 16 : 67 — 9. Google Scholar.

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J Clin Endocrinol Metab ; 97 : — Divers Equal Health Care ; 9 — Brussels : European Commission , Google Preview. Williams H. Improving lesbian, gay and bisexual healthcare: a systematic review of qualitative literature from the UK. Divers Health Care ; 6 : — Sexual minorities in England have poorer health and worse health care experiences: a national survey.

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J Homosex ; 58 : 10 — Minority stress and substance use in sexual minority adolescents: a meta-analysis. Prev Sci ; 15 : — More knowledge and research concerning the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals is needed. Eur J Public Health ; 26 : — 9.

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Lesbians on medical encounters: tales of heteronormativity, deception, and expectations. Health Care Women Int ; 36 : — Physical health inequalities among gay and bisexual men in England: a large community-based cross-sectional survey. J Public Health ; 13 : 1 — 7. Katz-Wise S , Hyde J. Victimization experiences of lesbian, gay, and besexual individuals: a meta-analysis. J Sex Res ; 49 : — A systematic review of the literature on weight in sexual minority women.

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Gerontologist ; 53 : — A systematic review of the aetiology of tobacco disparities for sexual minorities. Tob Control ; 22 : 66 — Disability among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults: disparities in prevalence and risk. Am J Public Health ; : 16 — Child Abuse Negl ; 51 : 93 — Int J Older People Nurs ; 10 : — Fish J , Bewley S. Health Soc Care Community ; 18 : — Moe J , Sparkman N. Assessing service providers at LGBTQ-affirming community agencies on their perceptions of training needs and barriers to service.

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Volume Article Contents Abstract. Article Navigation. School of Health Sciences, University of Brighton. Oxford Academic. Nigel Sherriff. Kath Browne. Department of Geography, Maynooth University, Maynooth. Nick McGlynn. School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton. Massimo Mirandola. Lorenzo Gios. Ruth Davis. Juliette Sanchez-Lambert.