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View to the mountains is stunning on good weather. The funicolare is not an attraction in itself, but a means to travel up. The Bergamo website describes a series of walks, and there are pamphlets in Italian describing the itineraries at the funicolare. The first walk goes around the Castello, which has wonderful views from the wall around it.

There are stairs leading up to the inside of the castle, although they are not marked - I followed someone else. The other walks pass above beautiful valleys and before villas.

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The best walk and easiest to follow with the map on the pamphlet is a walk returning from San Vigilio back down to Begamo Upper City. This is an easy walk through hamlets with wonderful views of the upper city, not to be missed. We found what we think was a free parking lot right below the funcilore and took it down to Citta Alta - a really quick ride and really nice for our son!

He rode for free - adults 1. On a clear day - I am sure the ride is even more enjoyable!! The San Vigilio only consists of just a single car which is drawn by a cable from the lower station on the western edge of the old town to the upper station near to the castle. A proper funicular has two cars and the weight of the upper one descending assists the lower one going up.

The San Vigilio runs every 15 minutes except during the lunch hour. During that time, a small bus route 21 carries passengers up and down on the narrow precipitous road that connects the two. On our visit there appeared to be an electrical or electronic fault when we were coming down. The car came to a halt a few metres below the top station.

The operator radioed for assistance which appeared in the form of men with ladders. The passengers were conducted to safety and the bus was brought along as a rail replacement service. Normally it is a smooth and effortless 3-minute journey. Fare is EUR 2.

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Skip to main content. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Cheap and interesting - Funicolare San Vigilio. Funicolare San Vigilio. Scenic Railroads. Via Colle Aperto , Bergamo, Italy. Review Highlights.

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Reviewed September 21, Reviewed February 3, Cheap and interesting. In those days there lived an old noble, rich in two daughters, and in nought besides. Of these, he promised one to a young knight, who was wealthy and idle, and who-strange characteristic of young and gallant knight! On a certain fine morning the sire made the same announcement to'his girls which the father of Dinah made to that now celebrated and unhappy young lady-namely, the necessity of decking themselves in their most seductive array, as there was a lover on the road who would dine with them that day.

Now, if the morning was fine, there was also an eager and a nipping air abroad; but the elder of the two damsels, disregarding the temperature, and thinking only how best to display her slender waist and graceful shape, put on a "cote hardie;" and in this close-fitting garment, without an inch of fur to lend it warmth, she accompanied her sister to the portal, to bid welcome to the lover, looking for a lady of his love. But that sister was attired with reference to the condition of the thermometer, if her father had one, which is exceedingly doubtful.

She was warmly clad; and if her figure was concealed by her mantle, the result of such covering was that her young blood, in circulating, left a rose upon her cheeks, and did not fix itself, in obstinate stagnation, as in her more airy sister's case, on the tip of the nose. Now a red nose is not fascinating; and the knight's choice was soon made.

He gave his hand to the maiden who had shown most sense in the choice of attire, and a very merry wedding was the speedy consequence. As for what turned up in the way of further results, it was, I believe, chiefly the nose of the unsuccessful candidate, which became " retrousse en permanence. For a lady to ride on a palfrey, and not on a charger, would have been considered as derogatory as for a bridesmaid, in our days, to " spoil her prospects" by going to a wedding in a one-horse fly.

The damsels of this age very much affected the dress of the men, and we have seen the same affectation in our own time; and this fashion was pushed to such an extreme, that they even carried two- iny daggers in the pouches of their embroidered zones. Their headdress still lingers among the female peasantry of'Normandy, and may be recognized in the species of mitre cap, of enormous height, from the summit of which streamers float in the airlike pennants from the masts of some " tall amiral.

We will discuss the progress of these matters in a new chapter. CoTU: fathiUde. THE Jews were undoubtedly an ill-fated people. In London, in the olden time, whenever any class had a grievance, the work of redress was commenced by slaying the Hebrews. In the reign of Henry III. Certainly, this was a strange method of showing a political bias; and it would be no jest now if Lord Winchelsea, for instance, angry at the desire of the Crown to admit Jews into Parliament, were to rush down to the city and plunge his paper-cutter into the diaphragm of poor Baron Rothschild.

In the case above alluded to, not only were some four hundred of the devoted race robbed and killed, but the mob, satiated with savagery, determined to wind up their well-spent evening with a frolic.

Accordingly they turned out of their beds all the Jews, of various ages and both sexes, and compelled them to walk the streets throughout the entire night, with nothing on but their. I notice this incident, because it comes fairly under the head of costume.

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I think, moreover, that all the police in the city at the present time would be puzzled what to do, were the last night of an election, returning "Sir Solomon" at the head of the poll, to be signalized by a riot, the climax of which presented all the Levys, Goldschmidts, Isaacs, and Marx, of "Simmery Axe,"wives and husbands, sons and daughters-compulsorily parading through Cheapside in their night-gear.

Between the blushes of Miss Tryphena Levy, and the indignation of Mr. Penuel Isaacs her admirer, the gallant and loud-laughing Division X. Such a cortege however would probably bring into fashion the " bonnets de nuit a la Juive. When Henry IV. The sumptuary laws of this reign had this additional severity in them, that they decreed imprisonment during the King's pleasure against any taylor who should dare to make for a commoner a costume above his degree. The tailors, like wise men, did not ask their customers whether they were gentle or simple; and burghers dressed as before, more splendidly than barons.

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John was curious about his wife's dress, and careless touching his own; whereas Richard who was not half so bad as history and Mr. Kean represent him , was perhaps the most superbly royal dandy that ever sat on an English throne: George IV. Henry VII, again, was utterly void of taste, and seems to have wanted a nurse more than a valet.

The author of the 'Boke of Kervynge' says to the "proper. John Drake, the Norwich shoemaker, was resolved to dress, for once, like a knight; and accordingly he betook himself to Sir Philip Calthrop's tailor, and seeing some fine French tawney cloth lying there, which the cavalier had sent to have made into a gown-gentlemen then, as now, it seems, sometimes found " their own materials,"-the aspiring Crispin ordered a gown of the same stuff and fashion. The knight, on calling at the tailor's saw the two parcels of "materials," and inquired as to the proprietary of the second.

She gave lessons to the nobility at four or five pounds the course for each pupil, and an additional pound for showing them how to make the starch.

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The nobility of course patronized her; being a foreigner, the duchesses accounted her "divine. The women who wore. Of course the "honourable gentlemen" of the House of Commons were necessarily followers of the fashion. But it led to inconveniences in the course of their senatorial duties. It was an old mode revived; and at an earlier day, when these nether garments were ample enough to have covered the lower man of Boanerges, the comfort of the popular representatives was thus cared for:-" Over the seats in the parliament-house, there were certain holes, some two inches square, in the walls, in which were placed posts to uphold a scaffold round about the house within, for them to sit upon who used the wearing of great breeches stuffed with hair like woolsacks, which fashion being left the eighth year of Elizabeth, the scaffolds were taken down, and never since put up.

The honourable gentlemen must have looked as if they were worshipping Cloacina rather than propitiating the god of Eloquence. The Sultaness received her visitors with great respect; but, struck with the extraordinary extension of the hips of the whole party, seriously inquired if that shape was peculiar to the natural formation of Englishwomen; and Lady Wych was obligd to explain the whole mystery of the dress, in order to convince her that she.

But I shall say more of Anne hereafter. I have here to exhibit Oliver; Charles, as we all know, was a gentleman, at all events in dress. In that respect Cromwell differed from him. I came one morning into the house well clad, and perceived a gentleman speaking whom I knew not, very ordinarily apparelled, for it was a plain cloth suit which seemed to have been made by an ill country tailor.

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His linen was plain, and not very clean; and I remember a speck or two of blood upon his little band, which was much larger than his collar. His hat was without a hatband; his stature was of good size; his sword stuck close to his side. About the year , we find our old friend Mr. Pepys gradually soaring in the sky of fashion. He had been content with camlet, then he gets him a suit of cloth with broad skirts, and adds the unheard-of aristocracy of rakish buckles to his shoes. Subsequently he enshrines his little person in silk; ultimately rises.

A velvet coat was not for every-day wear by a clerk in the Admiralty, and Pepys had his by him a full half-year before he had the heart to surprise the world and gratify himself by the wearing of it. They were content to go occasionally like the. King at the Council Board-in a plain, common riding-suit and a velvet cap;-not half so fine as the livery of Pepy's own boy, " which is very handsome, and I do think to keep the black and gold lace upon grey, being the color of my arms, for ever. Pepys was however as proud as a popinjay, as the manner then among gentlemen was; and his man Will imitated his master.

Tel maitre, tel valet. See what he says of an occurrence which he notices on "Lord's Day," June 8, To what an extent this feeling was carried may be seen in the case of Pepys, who, seeing Captain Holmies in his pew in a new gold-laced suit, was so chagrined that a disquisition upon damnation failed to put him into spirits. The feeling of both husband and wife were very sensitive touching costume; for does he not tell us, on one occasion, that on a certain visit being paid them, they " were ashamed that she should be seen in a taffeta gown when all the world wears moyre?

Felony and mendacity would seem to be accounted of as peches mignons by those gentlemen who wear polished boots and profess honest principles, with coats like Count d'Orsay's, and hearts beneath them like Jack Sheppard's. After all, the pearl and tissue of the Russ was not half so tasteful as Lord Sandwich's "gold-buttoned suit, as the mode is;" and Pepys took to the fashion, buying fine clothes, and half afraid to wear them, yet rejoicing that he is not now " for want of them, forced to sneak like a beggar.

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But Pepys had fits of extravagance as well as economy. The former, however, were generally born of patriotism: witness his buying "a colored silk ferrandin suit, for joy of the good news we have lately had of our victory over the Dutch. The king and grandees wore simple mantles of Colchester baize; and in winter, the mantles of the sefioras were of no more costly material than white flannel.

Thereupon English and Dutch handicraftsmen repaired to Madrid, in. The men engaged were sober, religious men; and they had with them Psalters and Testaments, and they were given to be glad in spiritual songs, and to solace their weariness with a refreshing draught from the Gospels. Thereupon the Inquisition fell upon them, destroyed their houses, and imprisoned the workmen.