When Erik sat down in front of me my heart skipped a beat, I liked him from the first second — he just had a great energy about him. I was over the moon the next day when I received my matches and saw that he liked me too! He had to go away travelling for business that week but we chatted on Skype for hours every night and when he returned we started going out.
And here we are still together today two years later! I owe you guys a big thank you! Tony, 35, London:. Me and my partner met thanks to Urban Connections speed dating. The funny thing was that both of us had come along to the event because our friends had practically dragged us there with them, we didn't think it would be our thing.
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Chris was the only guy I ticked on my form and I was the only one that he ticked too. I was really suprised to meet someone like that and I have definately changed my view of organised dating events! Justin, 36, London. I went to your speed dating night last September in Soho. I really wanted to try something different as I was bored with the gay scene and online chat.
I suppose I always thought I was too fussy when it comes to finding a mate. I am an artist and I insist that my partner be arty too and I wanted him to like travel and many other things. I was amazed to meet Carlos who is also an artist, he spends half the year travelling and we have so much more in common. I am greatful to you and to the hand of destiny! We have been together for 8 months and are moving to Australia in a few weeks together. Matthew, 34, London.
Jan 02 Jun 18 Mar 02 Dec 09 Oct 21 Oct 04 Sep 09 Jun 19 May 08 Thinking with bodies: affect, ontology and queer worlding from "Africa" more. Partially queer: Strathern and the ontological turn more. Fucking kinship: procreation, marriage and queer desire in urban Congo more. Looking for serious love in urban Congo: the normalization of queer desire on social network sites more.
Un-thinking sexuality: theorizing male same-sex desire from urban Congo more. What should anthropology do? Notes on an ontological turn to difference. Anthropology , Ethics , Ethnography , and Ontological Turn. On the cosmopolitan aspirations of sexual style: fashion, hip-hop and queer modernity in Kisangani more. In contemporary urban Congo, the latest fashion seems to be of a sexual kind. Through their gendered performances of sexual transgression, the latter succeed to actively claim cosmopolitan connections, thereby often beating popular cosmopolitan aspirations in their own game.
It explicitly brings to the fore the erotic as an often overlooked aspect of mimetic dynamics. In dialogue with other interpretations of African mimesis, I read this latest fashion not as a mere emulation of Western otherness i. Capturing the gay network s : a queer ontography of connection in urban Congo more. But instead of looking at these topics from the Fieldwork in Kinshasa and Kisangani reveals the fundamental importance of networks and networking in everyday fioto life.
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Building a body in the new scramble for Africa: labour and masculinities at the Congolese rainforest frontier more. Interracial intimacies in the Congolese rainforest: ethical reflections from the field more. Revisiting the porno-tropics: construction of masculinities at the interracial contact zone more.

Conference panels. Space, power and extraction in rural Congo more. Since the beginning of the colonial expansion in Central Africa, the Congo has attracted countless ventures, bent on turning its seemingly endless natural resources into profit opportunities. For more than a century, its territory has For more than a century, its territory has been covered by numerous enclaves, where a plurality of public and private agents, foreign and Congolese alike, compete and collaborate for the extraction and production of primary goods for export markets.
This transdisciplinary panel aims at investigating inner tensions in the deployment of capitalism in past and present rural Congo, both within and beyond the porous boundaries of the concessions, mines and stations where its actors and agents live d and work ed. Each paper is articulated around a different enclave and a different natural resource — timber, copper, diamonds, palm oil, elephants, biodiversity — yet all are bound by similar lines of enquiry.
They focus on the disjuncture between ambitions and effective results, highlighting the different limitations that competing agendas, local communities and an uncontrolled nature can pose to economic prospects. They underline the key importance of affects, emotions, hopes and anxieties in the effective enforcement of extraction or conservation. In an effort to move beyond epistemological boundaries that have long separated research on pre and post-independence Congo, participants also articulate present situations within the long-term legacies of colonialism, pushing against the disciplinary divide between history and anthropology.
Power and transgression: queering notions of sexuality and dissidence more.
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Over the last decade, scholars have addressed issues of sexual and gender dissidence in diverse African realities. Highlighting the ambiguities and multiplicities of erotic practices and vernacular conceptualizations of desire, a growing Such reappraisals not only show how sexual regimes come in many forms but also how they operate through failures and contradictions that, to a certain extent, undermine hegemonic heteronormativity. They reveal the existence of manifold queer possibilities and affordances within the supposed norm that often remain unspoken in monolithic accounts of sexuality.
This panel therefore questions the strict separation between a hetero norm and an oppositional logic of dissidence in contemporary African popular cultures and postcolonial imaginations. Dissident genders and sexualities: comparative and theoretical perspectives from Africa more.
Over the last decades, an increasing number of ethnographies and histories have emphasized the fundamental fluidity of gender and sexuality in Africa. At the same time, political analyses describe new realities of gendered violence and Time has come to bring these scattered studies together for comparative analysis and critical theory-building.
African Studies , Anthropology , and Gender and Sexuality.
These and other subjects can be developed in and through case studies from the wider social and human sciences on both the uses and representations of flowers in Africa today but also in the past e. African Studies and Anthropology.
Queer provocations, nightlife and popular culture in Kinshasa more. Provocatively de-coding music, video clips, urban paintings and popular journalism with my interlocutors, my research brings to the fore the queer failures and instabilities of their ostensibly moral messages. Queering ambiance in urban Congo: spatial practices and imaginaries of fioto seduction more.
The queer side of kinship: witchcraft, ambiance and same-sex desire in urban Congo more. Louis, Bruxelles Event Date: Mar 26, Queering Congo Studies: urban masculinities and homo-erotic desires more. Louis, Brussels Event Date: Dec 20, Out of control: ethnographic notes on ecstasy from the Congolese rainforest more. Roads in the Rainforest: Im mobility and dis connection in and around a Congolese logging camp more. An ethnography of a logging concession in the DRC more.
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