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Discover more EY search. Newsletters EY Belgium Subscribe to one of our newsletters and stay up to date of our latest news, insights, events or more. Featured press releases. More and more EY Belgium employees say goodbye to company cars EY Belgium is keen to make the mobility of its 2, employees greener. Belgium remains in the top 5 European countries that attract the most foreign investments In too, Belgium remained an attractive country for foreign investors, according to the EY Belgian Attractiveness Survey.
Feed Join EY in conversation. Share your views. On the agenda 8. Risk Featured: How to fight corporate fraud in times of corona. Technology Featured: Can robots in the finance department boost productivity? Trust Featured: How will AI keep its promises and add tangible value at every stage of your business? Supply chain Featured: Coronavirus: what are your options in the event of a disruption in your supply chain? Haacht, Belgium 5, contributions helpful votes.

If you want to do something different and fun. Brussels is the capital of comics, which results in wall paintings murals , statues of cartoon characters, shops and a museum. So if you want to do something different and fun, take the comic cartoon walk. A map from the tourist office will help you to find the different walls in the city center. Or use the app Visitbrussels on your smartphone. You can use the app also offline. There are about 30 walls on in the city center.
So quite a long walk if you want to do them all in 1 day. Or just do a part of it. It is more quiet with nice squares, green spaces and you can finish at one of the fine fish restaurants on Place St-Catherine. To find the walls is sometimes tricky, you have to look up or around a corner to find them. But at the same time keep an eye on the road, the pavements in Brussels are not in a very good condition :- …. Date of experience: October Katy C wrote a review Feb Not worth the money. We paid 10euros each to visit this and we both did not think it was worth it.
It's very small and unless you are a particular fan on brussels comics or the Smurfs orTinTin then you won't know any of the other comics or will you really care for the history of them. This place in my eyes is for people who love brussels comics. Me and my partner did not enjoy it as we felt It was not worth the money. We we're in there 15mins! I would save you're money. DarkAges wrote a review Dec Atlanta, Georgia contributions 44 helpful votes. Enjoyable visit if you have some time AND like comics. Just like the Museum of Instruments don't miss that one , this is an old mid s building, with character.
I believe it used to be a popular store at one time. It has 3 or 4 levels all dedicated to the world of comics.