It was inserted by an amendment of MP Freddy Terwagne d to the law of 8 April on youth protection. The Senate eventually concurred in June ; article bis was thus repealed by the law of 18 June Belgium became the second country to allow same-sex marriages in after the Netherlands. Same-sex couples have had the same rights as opposite-sex couples in adopting children since A legal inequality compared to heterosexual couples still existed with regards to children: the husband of the biological mother was automatically legally recognised as the father by article of the Civil Code , but this was not the case in a same-sex couple for the wife of the mother.
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To be recognised as the co-mother, she had to complete an adoption procedure. This accounted for the large majority of adoption cases in Belgium. The Di Rupo Government promised to fix this, and in , as the Netherlands recently passed similar legislation, LGBT organisations pressured the government about their promise. Subsequently, legislators worked to agree on a solution. The bill received royal assent on 5 May and went into effect on 1 January Generally, adoption law is regulated at the federal level, whereas the adoption procedure is managed by the community governments.
Between and , 56 male same-sex couples and two female same-sex couples had domestically adopted a child in the Flemish Community Flanders. In the same period, 12 children were domestically adopted in the French Community , giving a total of 70 LGBT domestic adoptions in Belgium in that period. The anti-discrimination law of 25 February included discrimination protections on the basis of sex and sexual orientation.
On 29 November , the Federal Government approved an expansion of the anti-discrimination law to include gender identity and gender expression.
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It was approved by the Federal Parliament and received royal assent on 22 May It was the first case in Belgium in which a crime was officially qualified as being motivated by hate on the basis of sexual orientation. This included 17 physical attacks, 42 public homophobic insults, 17 housing discrimination cases, and 31 online attacks. Between and , there was a yearly average of 31 men and 14 women who officially changed their legal gender, with an increase after the law came into in effect. Plans to amend the law to remove these requirements were announced by the Michel Government in , [20] [21] [22] passed by the Chamber of Representatives and signed by King Philippe in , [23] [24] and took effect on 1 January Currently, it is only possible to change gender on the identity card from male to female or vice versa, but according to the court, persons who are non-binary are excluded from this rule.
The court held that an " X " sex option should be available. The Constitutional Court has asked the Belgian Federal Parliament to work on an arrangement that complies with the ruling, whether through the "creation of one or more additional categories" or the removal of gender from compulsory registration. Their coalition agreement states that "legislation will be amended in accordance with the ruling of the Constitutional Court. The further implications of that will be investigated.
In order to change legal sex, an adult person has to file an application with a statement that their legal sex is not corresponding with their gender identity. No surgery or other medical or psychological treatment or opinion is required. After filing an application, the applying person will be informed about the legal consequences of a requested change. The applicant has to renew their intent to have their legal sex changed within three months of application and to declare that they are aware of the legal consequences of a change. Minors between 12 and 16 have the possibility to change their first name, but not sex.
Minors aged 16 and 17 have the possibility to apply for a sex change with parental consent and a psychological opinion confirming that their decision has been taken freely and without any outside pressure. According to the National Register, transgender Belgians changed their legal gender under the new law in Many Belgian hospitals, the Ghent University Hospital UZ Gent among them, are known for their specialisation in sex reassignment surgery.
Many French transgender people go there due to a lack of accepting hospitals in France. Intersex infants in Belgium may undergo medical interventions to have their sex characteristics altered. Human rights groups increasingly consider these surgeries unnecessary and, they argue, should only be performed if the applicant consents to the operation.
In February , the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended Belgium to ban these surgeries and provide intersex infants and their parents counseling and support. The first intersex organization in Flanders, Intersekse Vlaanderen , was officially registered in August In Belgium, as in many other countries, men who have sex with men MSM were previously not allowed to donate blood.
In , the blanket ban was repealed and replaced with a one-year deferral period. In November , she announced the ban would be amended in , making it possible for gay and bisexual men to donate blood after a year of abstinence from sex. In June , the Flemish Red Cross announced it was banning transgender people from donating blood in Flanders. Following consultations with health and LGBT groups, it reversed course and lifted the ban on 30 September Transgender people can donate subject to a three-month deferral period after starting hormonal therapy and a month deferral after the last sexual encounter.
LGBT people are generally well socially accepted in Belgium.

Not excluded, of course, is the possibility of your finding the man or woman of your life at one of our parties. The group has a party each month for gays and lesbians and welcomes men and women of all nationalities and age groups. The parties are held on Sunday afternoons from 3. We take over a restaurant or a hotel banquet room for our parties and are thus assured of complete privacy. Announcements are sent out ten to fourteen days before, giving the date and place.
Our parties have been running between 20 and 30 or more people recently. We ask 3 euros participation - for the cost of mailings and the like - at each party one attends. There is no membership fee. Drinks are on a "cash bar" basis. If you are not fluent in English, that is not a problem. You are certain to find people who speak your language. Besides, what better way to learn a language than with friends! If you wish to be on the mailing list after having received this note, please contact us at: tomhoemig skynet.
If you would rather come to a party first to see what they are like, we will send you the next few announcements so you can attend a party and decide. You can let us know later if you want your name added. At least you straight ladies generally have the odds as to whether the men are gay or not ; That said, it's hard for both groups. Hi We are in the same boat. Private messaging does not seem to work here, but you can email me at gemdimad gmail. Filling up the thermo flash , fixing the mosquito netting etc There are complimentary excursion to Galle, organic green tea factory , gem factory etc everyday starting at hours Library is another area with Wifi.
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I was prescribed to take around 10 different medication a day. Throughout my stay, I felt better, healthier, more relaxed and less bloated. The hotel rooms were clean and my room looked at the sea. I saw monkeys in the trees and it was a beautiful scenery. My daily treatments included face, head, shoulders, back and full body massage, inhalation of herbs as I had a blocked nose , acupuncture, herbs 'facial' all over my body and a herbal bath.
The treatments were very good except the acupuncture sessions and herbal garden area was really not very private at all. Genders are mixed and almost everyone was just wearing a dark green cloth for the treatments. I spoke to a doctor about this and they moved me to a slightly more separate area for the herbal garden. Despite of this, it is still easy for people to see when they walk up and down the staircase.
Also, I had to ask them a few times to close the curtain properly when I am lying on a bed almost fully naked as they don't close them properly. The massage rooms do not have doors, just a curtain. I thought I caught a man looking in once. I spoke to the manager on my last day as I did not see her beforehand and she said she will make improvements moving forward.
Hopefully they will as it will be such a more relaxing and private experience. I can't see the local women being happy about this and I just wish they treat the tourists the same way. The location is right by the beach and you can sit at the hotel ground every day on the grass looking at the beautiful sunset. However I felt safer walking with friends. The yoga teacher was very good as he explained the very basics of each posture which made it easier for new students learning them.
I did not get a chance to try tai chi but everyone else I met really enjoyed those lessons. The afternoon excursions were good and I enjoyed them. Overall, I enjoyed the experience and would like to go back again.