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GitHub is where the world builds software Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in the world. Sign up for free Dismiss. Go to file T Go to line L Copy path. Latest commit cbcd Nov 10, History. Raw Blame. You signed in with another tab or window. Call your nearest branch or visit our website for more information. Northway and Marston have been hit by flash flooding from nearby Peasmoor Brook and. It can take as little as half an hour of torrential rain to flood properties in the area.
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The town has seen almost a 1, homes built since then — the majority on the new Kingsmere estate. The fi rst eco settlement residents moved into their homes earlier this year after building work on the fi rst phase of the 6,home eco town started in Phase two comprising a new library, a Travelodge hotel, Cherwell council offices, retail units and other offices opened in April. Anyone with information should call police on or Crimestoppers on , using crime reference number Sixth formers exhibited their A-level artwork and photography to friends, family, staff and pupils in the Maths and Science building, which was transformed into a gallery.
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