Reasons for the insignificant attention and research given to the topic of male prostitution have been postulated, and generally involve the three taboos against prostitution , homosexuality and weak masculinity set out in the introduction. Within the gay community itself, paying for sex, or being paid for sex, is not at all a big deal.
If you feel like it, you go on one of the websites and arrange a sex date. It is as simple as that. Paydates illustrate a major difference between female and male prostitution. Whereas female prostitution is visible on the streets for example, in the Red Light District , and there has been much discussion about the forced prosecution of women, paydates are generally voluntary and organized through the internet, and thus much less visible.
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However, there are exceptions to this voluntary nature. While the paydates may begin voluntarily they can still slide into forced prostitution, which makes use of the same websites to offer sexual services. The following chapter will report on examples of sexdates made via the internet that are not of a true voluntary nature, and discuss the enabling role of the internet in these cases. Physical violence is not often used as a method to coerce these young men into prostitution; non-violent measures are used instead.
Illegal male prostitution in the Netherlands can be roughly divided into three categories. First, there are under-aged boys and men who offer their services in gay bars and clubs, such as a group of Romanian men in Amsterdam whom we studied Kooistra, These men operate in bars around the Rembrandplein. Men who offer their services through gay websites on the internet form the second group. In contrast to the first and second categories, the third group of men do not work voluntarily; they are coerced to work as prostitutes.
While the police close down several brothels each year, they find it very difficult to estimate the total number of illegal male brothels in the Netherlands.
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In February , a middle-aged man was arrested on suspicion of running an illegal brothel in the city of Amersfoort. In this brothel, which was located in the house of the suspect, between 10 and 20 young men of Eastern European and South American origin were found. Their passports had been taken from them, and they had been told that they had huge debts for travelling costs which they would have to pay back by working in the brothel Police Utrecht, The methods of coercion used by the brothel owners include seizing passports or threatening to expose the men their families.
Most men enter the prostitution business voluntarily, primarily to earn money. When offered a job over the internet, some of them already know that they will be working as a homosexual prostitute. The promise of a better future in the West draws these men, who will often take on a loan with an exorbitantly high interest rate.
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Upon their arrival, they are required to work for a low wage which makes it nearly impossible for them to pay back the loan. Many of these prostitutes are from conservative countries in Eastern Europe or South America, where such work carries an enormous amount of stigma.
They are told that prostitution is illegal in the Netherlands, and that the police will be unable to help them if they report themselves. Many men are given drugs, and use Viagra and Poppers muscle relaxers to facilitate anal penetration in order to perform better.
In addition, many of them do not use condoms, as this enables them to make more money. Whenever the police have a strong reason to believe that they have encountered a case of human trafficking or illegal prostitution, they are legally obligated to intervene immediately. The police has limited resources to find illegal brothels, since they are not legally permitted to infiltrate these places.
Instead, they rely on clients, the prostitutes themselves, and neighbors who report suspicious activities to the police. Often, prostitutes are scared to go to the police, and are not convinced that the police can help them escape their miserable situation. This can have the effect of ultimately restricting police from investigating further and building a stronger case against the perpetrator s of the crimes. This section has offered a picture of forced male prostitution as it currently occurs in the Netherlands. As mentioned earlier, even the police cannot precisely estimate the number of illegal brothels in the country.
They simply lack the resources to more deeply investigate the true extent of these brothels. The two groups of male prostitutes described above demonstrate how fluid the identity of the male prostitute can be.
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As a result, a man exchanging sexual services for monetary reward is not always defined as a prostitute. Pay dates demonstrate the gray area when it comes to the acceptability of any male to receive payment for sexual services. A significant portion of sex workers who identify as heterosexual justify this designation by the fact that they only take the active role during anal sex penetration and passive role during oral sex receiving.
For these heterosexual male prostitutes engaging in sex with other males, to conduct sexual acts in any other role either the passive role in anal sex, or active role in oral sex crosses the line into homosexuality. The internet has emerged as the primary forum for finding and arranging meet-ups for sex and monetary. The ease of access and anonymity in the world of prostitution further encourages such a fluid identity on the part of the male prostitute. The extensive reliance on internet chat forums means that both clients and prostitutes can slip in and out of soliciting and buying sexual services attheir own convenience.
In contrast to heterosexual prostitution which consists primarily of female and transgender sex workers , here, the definitional criteria of exchanging sex for monetary reward can differ with the type of payment, frequency of occurrence, and most importantly, the attitude held toward the transaction. As our exploration into the world of male sex services demonstrates, clients may find these sex workers in a variety of areas. Escort services, clubs, private homes, parks, and internet chat rooms all serve as places to meet and negotiate a transaction.
Physical locations like clubs, brothels, escort services, and parks still facilitate a significant portion of the meetings. However, the internet has emerged as the primary forum for finding and arranging meet-ups for sex and monetary. As a virtual meeting place, the internet provides two crucial elements: anonymity and ease of access. Prospective clients can easily transcend physical constraints, and arrange meet-ups with male sex workers across city or even national boundaries.
Internet chat rooms allow for anonymity through usernames and masked IP addresses. With this anonymity, internet chat rooms increase access to male prostitutes by removing the stigma associated with visiting a physical meeting place such as an bar, club, or park. It also increases access for those wishing to become male sex workers without the help of a pimp, escort service, club, or brothel.
Consequently, these workers are able to maintain control over the money they receive for their services. The average time spent by full-time workers in each city is around 21 days.

In addition, male sex workers have greater mobility. In an interview with the Utrecht Police Department, we were told that one distinguishing feature of male prostitution is the constant pressure to move from city to city.
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The Parades provide a steady clientele and adapt well to the demand for young and fresh faces. Because of this mobility, the Utrecht Police pointed out, male prostitutes often have a lack of legal understanding. Specifically in the Netherlands, they are unaware of the legality of prostitution and may end up in the bureaucratic nightmare of being unregistered. The relative question of what exactly constitutes a male prostitute also makes prostitution difficult to regulate even within the legalized Dutch system.
The increased access to the sex trade afforded by the internet has generated a wide supply of men — greater, Kooistra contended, than the demand. The extensive use of the internet to find and arrange meet-ups with male sex workers also complicates any government efforts at regulation or investigation into cases of abuse or trafficking. Kooistra described how government shutdowns of chat forums used for finding and meeting male prostitutes would simply sprout up within a few hours at another site. The digitally connected gay community is able to adapt quickly, drawing users to the new site.
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However, male prostitutes can no longer depend on simply being a young, fresh face ino the local scene. The increased access to the sex trade afforded by the internet has generated a wide supply of men — greater, Kooistra contended, than the demand — with the result that experience now significantly matters in selecting a prostitute. The extensive reliance of male prostitution on the internet demonstrates the central role of adaptability within this community. Kooistra explained that the anonymity and mobility of the gay community was the original reason for its gravitating toward using the internet.
In turn, the internet is what allows the male prostitution to remain anonymous and mobile. What these trends indicate, Kooistra contends, is increased entrepreneurship within the world of male sex work. Technological advancements — especially through smart phones and applications — allow male sex workers to find and arrange meet-ups with clients and most importantly, allow them to retain agency over profits independent of pimps or escort services. Perhaps one of the most important conclusions we can draw is about the impact that the taboo on homosexuality and prostitution has on the male prostitution scene.